Library Tour
Library Tour
The library of the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp specialises in literature on the following subjects: tropical medicine and international health, epidemiology, infectious and parasitic diseases, microbiology (bacteriology, virology, mycology), parasitology (protozoology, helminthology), medical entomology, tropical nutrition, tropical veterinary medicine and animal husbandry.
Its main collection consists of some 25,000 printed books and several thousands of e-books, and about 10,000 current journal subscriptions – most of which in digital format, available via this website. User services include internal and external document delivery and various bibliographic and bibliometric activities.
The library is open to ITM staff, students as well as external visitors wishing to consult and make use of the specialised ITM Library collections for study or research. External visitors are requested to register at the reception desk at the main entrance of the Institute (Nationalestraat 155).
The library covers the upper floor of the central wing of the ITM building. The entrance is situated on the fourth floor, and can be reached using the elevator or the stairs at the side of the parking lot.
To the right of the entrance are situated the service desk, the library administration area and the photocopying room. To the left of the entrance you’ll find the main books and journal collections and the institutional computer lab.
The vast majority of the library collections are displayed in open access: periodicals are arranged in alphabetical order and books are arranged by subject (Barnard classification).
When items are not readily available in open access, this is listed in the respective catalogs (ITG Book and Document Holdings and ITG Serial Holdings). A printed periodicals catalog is also available for consultation. An electronic PDF version can be consulted through our website here.
Books are arranged systematically by subject (see: Barnard classification of books). An alphabetical listing of subjects can be found on the posters next to the computers, left to the entrance.
Books can be taken from the shelves freely, but should be left on a reshelving table after reading.

Journals are arranged alphabetically by title. Recent print issues are kept in the photocopy room until they are bound. Each journal box displays the most recent issue, while the other issues are stored behind the (movable) board.
After reading, please put the issues back in their original place, or leave them on a reshelving table.
Special collections
Bibliographic and abstract journals, as well as a selection of core tropical medicine journals are kept in a separate section along the left wall. They are arranged per general subject category. These journals can be consulted freely at the adjoining reading bar. Afterwards, please put them back in their proper places.
Other collections
Historical books, journals of minor importance or incomplete volumes, reports, dissertations, and a number of other publications are kept in a closed storage room. They must be asked for at the service desk. Other books may be present in one of the research departments and should be consulted in these departments or requested for consultation inside the library. Locations outside the main reading room are clearly indicated in the books database and the journals catalog.