
ITGPress & SHSOP – requests for ISBN

ITGPress was created in 1997 as the imprint for official ITM monographs (by now about 40 items). These include the Studies in Health Services Organisation & Policy (SHSOP) series and several other titles. Most of them are fully available online from the ITM website.

ITM staff wishing to publish their monographs as ITGPress items need to respect the following conditions:

  • Formal agreement of the ITGPress editor, i.e. the ITM director. For the SHSOP series, please contact professors Wim Van Damme or Bruno Marchal.
  • All bibliographical information must be sent to the ITM librarian at least a month before publication, in order to obtain an official ISBN number. The practical printing and distribution process is not a library issue.
  • Upon publication four printed copies, as well as a digital edition, must be sent to the library. Two copies are kept in the library, two copies are sent to the legal depot office of the Royal Library in Brussels.
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