Writing & Publishing

Writing and Publishing

This page offers valuable information and essential resources to support students and researchers in navigating the writing and publishing process. Whether you are seeking guidance on citation styles, reference management tools, ethical publishing practices, open-access publishing, or copyright and its restrictions you will find comprehensive insights on these key topics here.

Click on the different headings to find resources and information on specific topics.

These resources provide practical guidance on improving your writing and understanding the publishing process:

Explore platforms and initiatives to identify reputable journals and ensure your work is published ethically:

  • Think. Check. Submit: initiative aimed to educate researchers, promote integrity and build trust in credible research and publications through a range of tools and practical resources
  • Jisc Open Policy Finder (previously Sherpa Romeo/Juliet): provides information on publishers’ open access policies and funding compliance
  • AuthorAid: a global network supporting researchers in low- and middle-income countries with resources and mentoring for writing and publishing
  • Beall’s lista (black)list of potential predatory journals and publishers

Ensure your work adheres to ethical standards in writing and publishing:

Discover tools and initiatives that provide information and support, promote and, in the case of Plan S, require open access publishing:

Stay informed about the latest trends and best practices in scholarly publishing:

  • Scholarly Kitchen: a blog offering expert insights into scholarly publishing trends and challenges
  • Think. Check. Attend: a companion to Think.Check.Submit, offering best practices for researchers attending academic conferences or events
  • SciRev: helps researchers to choose a journal based on other researchers’ experiences

Here are some tools that can assist the writing process, streamline your research and improve overall efficiency:

  • Mendeleya free reference management software to manage your resources for your research and collaborate
  • Zotero: an open-source reference management tool for collecting, organizing and citing resources
  • Rayyana web-based tool for systematic review screening
  • Grammarly: a writing assistant that helps improve grammar, style and clarity
  • ChatGPT: a generative AI tool for brainstorming, drafting and refining academic writing
  • Notion: a productivity and organization tool that can be used to manage your research project and collaboration
  • ORCID: provides researchers with a unique identifier (ORCID iD) and a mechanism for linking their research outputs and activities to their ORCID iD
  • LibKey: designed to give you quick access to full text (open access or ITM subscribed) articles. More information on the Digital Access page.
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