Document delivery
the ITG library participates in the Antilope/Impala network, the union catalogue and document delivery consortium of Belgian scientific libraries. Therefore:
- The ITG library may request documents from other libraries for the benefit of its own customers (conditions).
- The ITG library will provide document delivery to registered Impala members.
- Requests from non-registered Impala members (both corporate and individual) may be accepted only when received in written form (letter, fax, or e-mail) and the necessary financial conditions are met.

Lending & borrowing
ITM staff
ITM staff and research fellows may borrow specific library materials, but this is subject to restrictions: up to five books can be borrowed for a maximum period of four weeks, provided these books remain immediately available within the Institute. For bound journal volumes this period is limited to one week. Unbound journal issues can be borrowed only with special permission from the librarian.
ITM students
ITM students can lend one book at a time for a period of one week. Please present the book together with your ITM badge at the library counter.
Remember: parts of the library collections are kept permanently in research departments. Where applicable, this is indicated in the ITG Book & Document Holdings catalog.
Occasionally, books can be lent to other libraries (never individual persons), via the standard interlibrary lending procedures. This will be assessed for each request.

Interlibrary document supply
The ITM library participates in the Antilope/Impala network, the union catalogue and document delivery consortium of Belgian scientific libraries.
- The ITM library may request documents from other libraries for the benefit of its own customers (conditions).
- The ITM library will provide document delivery to registered Impala members.
- Requests from non-registered Impala members (both corporate and individual) may be accepted only when received in written form (letter, fax, or e-mail) and the necessary financial conditions are met.

Requests to other libraries
Books not available in the library, or photocopies of journal articles can be requested from other libraries, provided some strict interlibrary regulations are taken into account:
- Requests from ITM staff are accepted when signed by a staff member with budget responsabilities. They are then charged to the departmental current account (or external fund). Standard charges are 5 Euro per item.
- Requests from outside parties to order photocopies or to borrow books from other libraries are not accepted.
Requests from other libraries
The library also provides photocopies to other libraries, either through the Belgian national document delivery network Impala, or following a written request by post, telefax (+32 (0)3 247 07 48) or e-mail (
- Articles up to 30 pages, sent by mail or telefax, cost 7 Euro. Additional pages are charged at 0.10 Euro per page.
- When requested from within the Impala circuit, electronic versions of printed articles up to 30 pages cost 6.80 Euro. Articles exceeding 30 pages are not delivered in electronic format.
Invoices are sent after each quarter. The minimum amount for each invoice is 13 Euro, even if the price of the services rendered amounts to less than 13 Euro.
Requests from outside parties are dealt with in the same way, provided they arrive in written or electronic format. Requests by telephone are not accepted. Members of university or higher education departments should use their own library facilities (interlibrary lending services).