ITG Library - Recent Book Acquisitions
Bulletin 130 - 01/01/2020 - 30/06/2020
C. Internal medicine
- Firth JD, Conlon CP, Cox TM. Oxford textbook of medicine; 6th ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020. 4 volumes; 6654+196 pp. [ITG Library: C/24266]
- Goldman L, Schafer AI. Goldman-Cecil medicine; 26th ed. London, Elsevier, 2020. 2 volumes; 2664 + div. pp. [ITG Library: C/24290; Online]
- Kottow M. Bioethics and neglected diseases. New York, Nova Medicine and Health, 2019. 208 pp. [ITG Library: CBE/Online]
D. History of medicine
- Kang L, Pedersen N. Quackery; a brief history of the worst ways to cure everything. New York, Workman Publishing, 2017. 352 pp. [ITG Library: D/24293]
- van de Laar A. Under the knife; remarkable stories from the history of surgery. London, John Murray, 2018. 357 pp. [ITG Library: D/24304]
- Moore JJ. Pest en cholera; geneeskunde door de eeuwen heen. Leuven, Davidsfonds, 2019. 256 pp. [ITG Library: D/24305]
- Knight DC. Robert Koch: father of bacteriology. [s.l.], Muriwai Books, 2019. div. pp. [ITG Library: DY/Online]
E. Epidemiology. Demography
- Taylor S. The psychology of pandemics: preparing for the next global outbreak of infectious disease. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019. 158 pp. [ITG Library: EA/24283]
- Tangwa GB, Abayomi A, Ujewe SW, Munung NS. Socio-cultural dimensions of emerging infectious diseases in Africa; an indigenous response to deadly epidemics. Cham, Springer, 2019. 298 pp. [ITG Library: EA/Online]
- Lyntetis C. Human extinction and the pandemic imaginary. Abingdon, Routledge, 2020. 177 pp. (Routledge Studies in Anthropology). [ITG Library: EA/24262]
- Senthilingam M. Outbreaks and epidemics; battling infection from measles to coronavirus. London, Icon Books, 2020. div. pp. (Hot Science). [ITG Library: EA/Online]
- Waltner-Toewls D. On pandemics: deadly diseases from bubonic plague to coronavirus; 2nd ed. Vancouver, Greystone Books, 2020. 251 pp. [ITG Library: EA/Online]
- Chowell G, Hyman JM. Mathematical and statistical modeling for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. Cham, Springer, 2016. 356 pp. [ITG Library: EB/Online]
- Murphy M. The economization of life. Durham, Duke University Press, 2017. 220 pp. [ITG Library: EH/24301]
- Friedman HS. Ultimate price: the value we place on life. Oakland, CA, University of California Press, 2020. 221 pp. [ITG Library: EH/24302]
- WHO. World health statistics 2019: monitoring health for the SDGs, sustainable development goals. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2019. 132 pp. [ITG Library: EP/Online]
- Ehrlich P, Ehrlich AH. Betrayal of science and reason: how anti-environmental rhetoric threatens our future. Washington, DC, Island Press, 1998. 335 pp. [ITG Library: EV/24587]
- Brooks DR, Hoberg EP, Boeger WA. The Stockholm paradigm: climate change and emerging disease. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2019. 409 pp. [ITG Library: EV/24275]
- Kelman I. Disaster by choice: how our actions turn natural hazards into catastrophes. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020. 167 pp. [ITG Library: EV/24271]
- Sneideman J, Twamley E. Climate change: the science behind melting glaciers and warming oceans with hands-on science activities. White River Junction, VT, Nomad Press, 2020. 122 pp. (Build It Yourself). [ITG Library: EV/Online]
H. Immunology. Infectious diseases
- Bennett JE, Dolin R, Blaser MJ. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s principles and practice of infectious diseases; 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier Saunders, 2020. 2 volumes; 3839 + 125 pp. (Expert Consult). [ITG Library: HW/24282]
- Adams DP. Foundations of infectious disease: a public health perspective. Burlington, Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2020. 373 pp. [ITG Library: HW/Online]
- Sheldrake M. Entangled life: how fungi make our worlds, change our minds, and shape our futures. New York, Random House, 2020. 352 pp. [ITG Library: I/24292]
J. Microbiology, bacteriology
- Melter O, Malmgren A. Principles and practicals in medical microbiology. Prague, Charles University Karolinum Press, 2018. 135 pp. (Ucebni Texti Univerzity Karlovy V Praze). [ITG Library: J/Online]
- Murray PR. Basic medical microbiology e-book. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2018. 232 pp. [ITG Library: J/Online]
- Bonamonte D, Angelini G. Mycobacterial skin infections. Cham, Springer, 2017. 398 pp. [ITG Library: JC/24258]
- MacDonald H, Harper I. Understanding tuberculosis and its control: anthropological and ethnographic approaches. Abingdon, Routledge, 2020. 282 pp. [ITG Library: JC/24257]
- WHO. Global tuberculosis report 2019. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2019. 283 pp. (WHO/CDS/TB/2019.15). [ITG Library: JC.S/Online]
- Pluschke G, Röltgen K. Buruli ulcer; Mycobacterium ulcerans disease. Cham, Springer, 2019. 278 pp. [ITG Library: JCU/Online]
- Boshart M. De pest in Europa 1347-1352; geschiedenis van een epidemie. [s.l.], Booklight, 2014. 246 pp. [ITG Library: JN.D/24306]
- Vermeersch J. 1349: hoe de zwarte dood Vlaanderen en Europa veranderde. Antwerpen, Vrijdag, 2019. 205 pp. [ITG Library: JN.D/24307]
- Kirchhelle C, Vanderslott S, Pollard A. Making a difference? The past, present, and future of typhoid control. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019. 37 pp. (Clinical Infectious Diseases; 69(Suppl.5)). [ITG Library: JS/Online; Periodicals]
K. Virology
- Zimmer C. A planet of viruses; 2nd ed. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2015. 122 pp. [ITG Library: K/Online]
- Howley PM, Knipe DM. Fields virology; 7th ed. Volume 1: emerging viruses. Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021. 826 pp. [ITG Library: K/24291]
- Verreau H. Ebola virus disease (EVD): outbreaks, control and prevention strategies. New York, Nova Medicine and Health, 2019. 130 pp. (Virology Research Progress). [ITG Library: KPH/Online]
- Sumaye R. Epidemiology of inter-epidemic Rift Valley fever transmission in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. Liège, Presses de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège, 2019. [ITG Library: KPR/Online]
- Díaz-Menéndez M, Crespillo-Andújar C. Zika virus infection: risk of spreading in Europe. Cham, Springer, 2017. 93 pp. (SpringerBriefs in Immunology). [ITG Library: KPZ/Online]
- Ramos da Silva S, Cheng F, Gao S-J. Zika virus and diseases: from molecular biology to epidemiology. New York, John Wiley, 2018. 248 pp. [ITG Library: KPZ/24256]
- Hens J. In vitro assessment of allogeneic NK cell responses against HIV-1 infected T cells. Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Farmaceutische, Biomedische en Diergeneeskundige Wetenschappen, Departement Biomedische Wetenschappen; Antwerp, Institute of Tropical Medicine, 2020. 212 pp. [ITG Library: KRC/24276]
- Ochoa TJ. Effect of lactoferrin on pediatric infections. Leuven, KU Leuven, Biomedical Sciences Group, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Transplantation; Antwerp, Institute of Tropical Medicine, 2020. 159 pp. [ITG Library: KRC/24277]
- Ozaras R, Arends JE. Viral hepatitis: acute hepatitis. Cham, Springer, 2019. 107 pp. [ITG Library: KS/Online]
L. General parasitology. Protozoolog
- Sastry AS, Bhat S. Essentials of medical parasitology; 2nd ed. New Delhi, J.P. Medical, 2019. 272 pp. [ITG Library: L/24265]
- Leventhal R, Cheadle RF, Hoffman E. Medical parasitology; a self instructional text; 7th ed. Philadelphia, F.A. Davis, 2020. 233 pp. [ITG Library: L/Online]
- Leventhal R, Cheadle RF. Medical parasitology; a self-instructional text; 7th ed. Philadelphia, F.A. Davis, 2020. 233 pp. [ITG Library: L/24281]
- Frischknecht F. Parasiten : Insekten, Würmer, Einzeller – verdrängte Plagegeister? Wiesbaden, Springer Spektrum, 2020. 52 pp. [ITG Library: L/Online]
- Engels D, Wang Y, Zhou X-N. National Institute of Parasitic Diseases, China: 70 years and beyond. Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press, 2020. 427 pp. (Advances in Parasitology; 110). [ITG Library: L.AE/Online]
- Bresciani KDS, Freira Gomes J. Cryptosporidiosis in humans and domestic animals. Hauppage, Nova Science Publishers, 2017. 261 pp. [ITG Library: LDC/24268]
- Smit S. The public health impact of congenital toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus infection: methods and applications. Ghent/Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Ghent University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; UCLouvain, Institut de Recherche Santé et Société, 2019. [ITG Library: LE.W/Online]
- WHO Global Malaria Programme. World malaria report 2019. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2019. 232. pp. [ITG Library: LF.E/Online]
- Gouri Sankar Bhunia, Pravat Kumar Shit. Spatial mapping and modelling for kala azar disease. Cham, Springer, 2020. 142 pp. (SpringerBriefs in Medical Earth Sciences). [ITG Library: LQ/Online]
- Leon L, Torres-Santos EC. Different aspects on chemotherapy of trypanosomatids. New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2017. 265 pp. [ITG Library: LQ.R/24259]
- Hefnawy AE. Incorporating drug resistance studies in the quest for novel antileishmanial agents. Antwerp, University of Antwerp, 2019. [ITG Library: LQ.R/Online]
- Guadalupe Ortega Pierres M. Giardia and giardiasis. Part B. Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press, 2020. 282 pp. (Advances in Parasitology; 107). [ITG Library: LV/Online]
M. Helminthology
- Bowman DD. Toxocara and toxocariasis. Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press, 2020. 883 pp. (Advances in Parasitology; 109). [ITG Library: MQC/Online]
- Tyagi BK. Lymphatic filariasis: epidemiology, treatment and prevention – the Indian perspective. Singapore, Springer, 2018. 314 pp. [ITG Library: MS.2/24251]
N. Entomology
- Charlwood JD. The ecology of malaria vectors. Milton, CRC Press, 2020. 284 pp. [ITG Library: NO/24260]
P. Pathology. Hematology
- Boogaerts M. Bloed; een geschiedenis. Tielt, Lannoo, 2019. 350 pp. [ITG Library: PY.D/24263]
R. Pharmacology and therapeutics
- WHO. World Health Organization model list of essential medicines. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2020. div. pp. [ITG Library: RJ/Online]
- Gilbert DN, Chambers HF, Eliopoulos GM, Saag MS, Pavia AT. The Sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy 2019; 50th ed. Hyde Park, VT, Antimicrobial Therapy Inc., 2019. 290 pp. [ITG Library: RN/24354]
- Ho DY, Subramanian AK. Infections related to biologics. Philadelphia, PA, Academic Press, 2020. 290 pp. (Infectious Disease Clinics of North America; 34(2)). [ITG Library: RN/Online]
- Editor IJSMI. Designing and conducting clinical trials; an overview. [s.l.], [s.n.], 2019. 52 pp. [ITG Library: RNA/24249]
- Hassoun N. Global health impact: extending access to essential medicines. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020. 301 pp. [ITG Library: RS/Online]
S. Hygiene. Public health
- Roberts K. Global health. New York, Greenhaven Publishing, 2020. 200 pp. (Global Viewpoints Series). [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- Masys AJ, Izurieta C, Reina Ortiz M. Global health security: recognizing vulnerabilities, creating opportunities. Cham, Springer, 2020. 430 pp. (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications). [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- Skolnik R. Global health 101; 4th ed. Burlington, Jones & Bartlett, 2021. 585 pp. [ITG Library: SO/24240; Online]
- Shultz JM, Sullivan LM, Galea S. Public health: an introduction to the science and practice of population health. New York, Springer, 2021. 399 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- Angwenyi VM. Patients, providers, and systems; local models for chronic care and self-management support in southern Malawi. Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2020. 264 pp. [ITG Library: SO.1/24298]
- Emanuel EJ. Which country has the world’s best health care. New York, Public Affairs, 2020. 452 pp. [ITG Library: SOC/24299]
- WHO. Non-communicable disease prevention and control: a guidance note for investment cases. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2019. 44 pp. (WHO/NMH/NMA/19.95). [ITG Library: SP/Online]
- Torresi J, McGuinness S, Leder K, O’Brien D, Ruff T, Starr M, Gibney K. Manual of travel medicine; 4th ed. Singapore, Springer, 2019. 431 pp. [ITG Library: SS/Online]
U. Tropical medicine and other specialties
- Ryan ET, Hill DR, Solomon T, Aronson N, Endy TP. Hunter’s tropical medicine and emerging infectious diseases; 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier Saunders, 2020. 1236 pp. (Expert Consult). [ITG Library: UB/24280]
- Swinney DC, Pollastri MP. Neglected tropical diseases; drug discovery and development. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH, 2019. 373 pp. (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry; 77). [ITG Library: UB.R/Online]
- Zurbrigg S. Malaria in colonial south Asia: uncoupling disease and destitution. Abingdon, Routledge India, 2019. 301 pp. [ITG Library: UBD/24267]
- Amidon S, Amidon T. The sublime engine; a biography of the human heart. [s.l.], Rodale Incorporated, 2011. 242 pp. [ITG Library: UHO/24284]
- Escóbar J. Global mental health: Latin America and Spanish-speaking populations. New Brunswick, Ruthers University Press, 2020. 161 pp. (Rutgers Global Health; 2). [ITG Library: UJ/Online]
- Devisch I. Het empatisch teveel; op naar een werkbare onverschilligheid. Amsterdam, De Bezige Bij, 2018. [ITG Library: UJC/24286 PUBLIC]
- Jablonsky NG. Skin: a natural history. [s.l.], University of California Press, 2013. 266 pp. [ITG Library: UR/24285]
- Bezerra da Silva G, De Francesco Daher E, Barros E. Tropical nephrology. Cham, Springer, 2020. 314 pp. [ITG Library: USK/24300]
- Turshen M. Women’s health movements: a global force for change; 2nd ed. Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 281 pp. [ITG Library: UW/Online]
X. Veterinary sciences
- Jacobs DE, Fox M, Gibbons LM, Hermosilla C. Principles of veterinary parasitology. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2016. 296 pp. [ITG Library: XL/Online]
Z. Geography. Anthropology. Sociologie. Economics
- Morris I. Why the West rules – for now; the patterns of history and what they reveal about the future. [s.l.], Profile Books, 2011. 750 pp. [ITG Library: ZB/24288]
- Mak G. Grote verwachtingen; in Europa – 1999-2019. Amsterdam, Atlas Contact, 2019. 557 pp. [ITG Library: ZB/24253]
- Raymaekers J. Kinderen van de kolonie. Kalmthout, Pelckmans, 2018. 222 pp. [ITG Library: ZBC/24252]
- Etambala MZ. Veroverd, bezet, gekoloniseerd. Congo 1876-1914. [s.l.], Sterck & De Vreese, 2020. 463 pp. [ITG Library: ZBC/24297]
- Goddeeris I, Lauro A, Vanthemsche G. Koloniaal Congo: een geschiedenis in vragen. Kalmthout, Polis, 2020. 431 pp. [ITG Library: ZBC/24308]
- Ehrlich PR, Ehrlich AH. The dominant animal: human evolution and the environment. Washington, DC, Island Press, 2009. 464 pp. [ITG Library: ZJ/24273]
- Vince G. Adventures in the anthropocene: a journey to the heart of the planet we made. London, Vintage, 2016. 436 pp. [ITG Library: ZJ/24295]
- Ellis EC. Anthropocene: a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018. 183 pp. [ITG Library: ZJ/24455]
- Ornstein R, Ehrlich P. New world new mind: moving toward conscious evolution. Los Altos, CA, Malor Books, 2018. 302 pp. [ITG Library: ZJ/24274]
- Fassin D. Life: a critical user’s manual. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2018. 159 pp. [ITG Library: ZJ/24294]
- Diamond J. Upheaval: how nations cope with crisis and change. London, Allen Lane, 2019. 500 pp. [ITG Library: ZJ/24264]
- Janzen JM. Health in a fragile state; science, sorcery, and spirit in the lower Congo. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 2019. 262 pp. (Africa and the Diaspora: History, Politics, Culture). [ITG Library: ZJ/24269]
- Ord T. The precipice; existential risk and the future of humanity. London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020. 468 pp. [ITG Library: ZJ/24296]
- Gamlin J, Gibbon S, Sesia PM, Berrio L. Critical medical anthropology: perspectives in and from Latin America. London, UCL Press, 2020. 275 pp. (Embodying Inequalties: Perspectives From Medical Anthropology). [ITG Library: ZJ/Online]
- Schulz WF, Raman S. The coming good society; why new realities demand new rights. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2020. 314 pp [ITG Library: ZV/24303]
- Lewis SL, Maslin MA. The human planet: how we created the anthropocene. London, Pelican, 2018. 465 pp. (Pelican Books; 20). [ITG Library: ZVM/24272]
- De Maio JL, Scheld S, Woldeamanuel M. Sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa; problems, perspectives, and prospects. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2019. 179 pp. [ITG Library: ZVM/24270]
- Ramutsindela M, Mickler D. Africa and the sustainable development goals. Cham, Springer, 2020. 295 pp. (Sustainable Development Goals Series). [ITG Library: ZVM/24261]
- World Bank. World development report 2020; trading for development in the age of global value chains. Washington, DC, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / World Bank, 2020. 266 pp. [ITG Library: ZVM/Reference; Online]
- Sachs J. The price of civilization. London, Vintage, 2012. 322 pp. [ITG Library: ZVO/24289]
- Piketty T. Capital and ideology. Cambridge, Mass, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2020. 1093 pp. [ITG Library: ZVO/24250]
- Bardi U. Before the collapse; a guide to the other side of growth. Cham, Springer, 2020. 242 pp. [ITG Library: ZVO/24279]
- A. Reference
- B. Natural science. Statistics
- C. Internal medicine
- D. History of medicine
- E. Epidemiology. Demography
- F. Etiology
- G. Toxicology
- H. Immunology. Infectious diseases
- I. Mycology
- J. Microbiology, bacteriology
- K. Virology
- L. General parasitology. Protozoology
- M. Helminthology
- N. Entomology
- O. Disease transmission
- P. Pathology. Hematology
- Q. Clinical and laboratory medicine
- R. Pharmacology and therapeutics
- S. Hygiene. Public health
- T. Forensic medicine
- U. Tropical medicine and other specialties
- V. Surgery
- W. Dentistry
- X. Veterinary sciences
- Y. Agriculture
- Z. Geography. Anthropology. Sociologie. Economics