ITG Library - Recent Book Acquisitions

Bulletin 123 - 01/07/2016 - 31/12/2016

A. Reference

  • Bastian JA, Sniffin-Marinoff M, Webber D. Archives in libraries: what librarians and archivists need to know to work together. Chicago, Society of American Archivists, 2015. 137 pp. [ITG Library: AHX/23797]
  • Varnum KJ. Exploring discovery; the front door to a library’s licenced and digitized content. London, Facet Publishing, 2016. 292 pp. [ITG Library: AHX/23707]
  • Van Hee J, Meul K, Boulet G, Gorissen K, Boogaerts B, Evens T, Van den Brande Y. Juridische aspecten. Brussel, Politeia, 2016. 92 pp. (Reeks Informatiemanagement). [ITG Library: AHX/23667 BIB]
  • MacKenzie A, Martin L. Developing digital scholarship; emerging practices in academic libraries. London, Facet Publishing, 2016. 184 pp. [ITG Library: AHX/23755 BIB]
  • Van Hee J, Spaaij AJ, Kellens P, Alen M, Gaeremyn J, Lauwers L, Goovaerts N, De Bruyne D. Content management. Brussel, Politeia, 2016. 111 pp. (Reeks Informatiemanagement). [ITG Library: AHX/23775 BIB]
  • Honeycutt B. Flipping the college classroom: practical advice from faculty. Madison, WI, Magna Publications, 2016. 162 pp. [ITG Library: AR/23768 EDUC]

B. Natural science. Statistics

  • Curd M, Cover JA, Pincock C. Philosophy of science: the central issues; 2nd ed. New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 2012. 1393 pp. [ITG Library: B/23725]
  • Lee A. Successful research supervision; advising students doing research. New York, Routledge, 2012. 200 pp. [ITG Library: B/23743 EDUC]
  • Olivero O. Interdisciplinary mentoring in science; strategies for success. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 182 pp. [ITG Library: B/Online]
  • Liang BC. Managing and leading for science professionals (what I wish I’d known while moving up the management ladder). Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 158 pp. [ITG Library: B/Online]
  • Snyder P, Mayes LC, Smith WE. The management of scientific integrity within academic medical centers. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 207 pp. [ITG Library: B/Online]
  • Laakke P, Benestad HB, Olsen BR. Research in medical and biological sciences; from planning and preparation to grant application and publication; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 566 pp. [ITG Library: B/Online]
  • Wartman S. The transformation of academic health centers; meeting the challenges of healthcare’s changing landscape. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 267 pp. [ITG Library: B/Online]
  • Smith RV, Densmore L, Lener EF. Graduate research; a guide for students in the sciences; 4th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 287 pp. [ITG Library: B/Online]
  • Eholie SP, Girard P-M. Mémento thérapeutique du VIH/sida en Afrique; édition 2017. Montrouge, Doin, 2016. 260 pp. [ITG Library: B/23729]
  • Davis M, Davis K, Dunagan M. Scientific papers and presentations; 3rd ed. London, Academic Press, 2012. 342 pp. [ITG Library: BA/23706]
  • Cope B, Phillips A. The future of the academic journal; 2nd ed. Oxford, Chandos, 2014. 449 pp. (Chandos Information Professional Series). [ITG Library: BA/23708 BIB]
  • Greenhalgh T. How to read a paper; the basics of evidence-based medicine; 5th ed. New York, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. 261 pp. [ITG Library: BA/23754]
  • Stone JV. Information theory: a tutorial introduction. [s.l.], Sebtel Press, 2015. 243 pp. [ITG Library: BA/23726]
  • Patience GS, Boffito DC, Patience P. Communicate science papers, presentations, and posters effectively. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 264 pp. [ITG Library: BA/Online]
  • Maivali U. Interpreting biomedical science; experiment, evidence, and belief. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 379 pp. [ITG Library: BA/Online]
  • Tattersall A. Altmetrics; a practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics. London, Facet Publishing, 2016. 214 pp. [ITG Library: BA/23719]
  • Kovacich GL. The information systems security officer guide; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 323 pp. [ITG Library: BB/Online]
  • Stone JV. Bayes’ rule; a tutorial introduction to Bayesian analysis. [s.l.], Sebtel Press, 2013. 170 pp. [ITG Library: BBM/23727]
  • Reinhart A. Statistics done wrong: the woefully complete guide. San Francisco, No Starch Press, 2015. 152 pp. [ITG Library: BBM/23728]
  • Bibb R, Egbeer D, Paterson A. Medical modelling; the application of advanced design and rapid prototyping techniques in medicine; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 500 pp. [ITG Library: BBW/Online]
  • Suchmacher M, Geller M. Practical biostatistics. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 236 pp. [ITG Library: BBW/Online]
  • Statistics in medicine; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 690 pp. [ITG Library: BBW/Online]
  • Beltrami E. Mathematical models for society and biology; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 266 pp. [ITG Library: BBW/Online]
  • Lennarz WJ, Lane MD. Encyclopedia of biological chemistry; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 579 pp. [ITG Library: BCB/Online]
  • Combs GF, McClung JP. The vitamins; fundamental aspects in nutrition and health; 5th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 612 pp. [ITG Library: BEV/Online]
  • Batt CA. Encyclopedia of food microbiology; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 863 pp. [ITG Library: BEW/Online]
  • Kohlmeier M. Nutrient metabolism; handbook of nutrients; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 870 pp. [ITG Library: BEX/Online]
  • Makun HA. Significance, prevention and control of food related diseases. Rijeka, InTech, 2016. 312 pp. [ITG Library: BEX/Online]
  • Coulston AM, Boushey CJ, Ferruzzi M. Nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 903 pp. [ITG Library: BEXS/Online]
  • Kulwa KBM. Dietary strategies to improve feeding practices, dietary adequacy and growth of infants and young children in rural Tanzania. Gent, Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen, 2016. 195 pp. [ITG Library: BEXS/23734]
  • Babu SC, Gajanan SN, Hallam JA. Nutrition economics; principles and policy applications. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 386 pp. [ITG Library: BEXY/Online]
  • Margulis L, Chapman MJ. Kingdoms and domains; an illustrated guide to the phyla of life on earth; 4th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2008. 659 pp. [ITG Library: BJ/Online]
  • Rainey F, Oren A. Taxonomy of prokaryotes. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2011. 473 pp. (Methods in Microbiology; 38). [ITG Library: BJ/Online]
  • Verma A, Singh A. Principles of biomedical informatics; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 668 pp. [ITG Library: BJC/Online]
  • Vallero D. Environmental biotechnology; a biosystems approach; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 726 pp. [ITG Library: BJC/Online]
  • Pevsner J. Bioinformatics and functional genomics; 3rd ed. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 2015. 1124 pp. [ITG Library: BJC/23799 BIOMED]
  • Bradshaw RA, Stahl PD. Encyclopedia of cell biology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 4 volumes. [ITG Library: BJC/Online]
  • Medina-Franco J. Epi-informatics; discovery and development of small molecule epigenetic drugs and probes. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 424 pp. [ITG Library: BJC/Online]
  • Maddocks S, Jenkins R. Understanding PCR; a practical bench-top guide. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 87 pp. [ITG Library: BJC/Online]
  • Marin H, Massad E, Gutierrez MA, Rodrigues RJ, Sigulem D. Global health informatics; hew information technology can change our lives in a globalized world. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 376 pp. [ITG Library: BJC/Online]
  • Galluzi L. International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. >300 volumes. [ITG Library: BJC/Online]
  • Najafov A, Hoxhaj G. PCR guru; an ultimate benchtop reference for molecular biologists. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 89 pp. [ITG Library: BJC/Online]
  • Levin SA. Encyclopedia of biodiversity; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 479 pp. [ITG Library: BJS/Online]
  • Zeigler D. Evolution; components and mechanisms. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 193 pp. [ITG Library: BJS/Online]
  • Muehlenbein MP. Basics in human evolution. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 590 pp. [ITG Library: BJS/Online]
  • Kliman RM. Encyclopedia of evolutionary biology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 366 pp. [ITG Library: BJS/Online]
  • Cole LA. Biology of life; biochemistry, physiology and philosophy. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 184 pp. [ITG Library: BJS/Online]
  • Maloy S, Hughes K. Brenner’s encyclopedia of genetics; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. [ITG Library: BJT/Online]
  • Ryan J. Biosecurity and bioterrorism; containing and preventing biological threats; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 373 pp. [ITG Library: BW/Online]

C. Internal medicine

  • Trent R. Molecular medicine; genomics to personalized healthcare; 4th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 336 pp. [ITG Library: C/Online]
  • Wehling M. Principles of translational science in medicine; from bench to bedside; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 350 pp. [ITG Library: C/Online]
  • Shahzad A. Translational medicine; tools and techniques. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 179 pp. [ITG Library: C/Online]
  • WHO. International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems (ICD-10); 10th rev.; 5th ed., 2016. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2015. 3 volumes. [ITG Library: CA/Online]
  • Gifford F. Philosophy of medicine. Amsterdam, Elsevier North Holland, 2011. 590 pp. (Handbook of the Philosophy of Science). [ITG Library: CBE/22727]
  • Holland S. Public health ethics; 2nd ed. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2015. 276 pp. [ITG Library: CBE/23680]
  • Mantz J-M. L’éthique médicale en questions; 105 situations d’actualité; 2e éd. Paris, Lavoisier Médecine, 2016. 254 pp. [ITG Library: CBE/23765]
  • Bérenger J. Big data and ethics; the medical datasphere. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 287 pp. [ITG Library: CBE/Online]
  • Révah-Lévy A, Verneuil L. Docteur, écoutez! Paris, Albin Michel, 2016. 147 pp. [ITG Library: CBN/23772 PUBLIC]
  • Hao Da, Xiao Jie Gu, Pei Gen Xiao. Medicinal plants; chemistry, biology and omics. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 681 pp. [ITG Library: CZ/Online]
  • Kuete V. Medicinal plant research in Africa; pharmacology and chemistry. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 890 pp. [ITG Library: CZ.1/Online]

D. History of medicine

  • Ackerknecht EH. A short history of medicine; revised and expanded exition. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016. 247 pp. [ITG Library: D/23716]

E. Epidemiology. Demography

  • McNeil DG. Zika; the emerging epidemic. New York, W.W. Norton, 2016. 203 pp. [ITG Library: EA/23718]
  • Packard RM. A history of global health; interventions in the life of other peoples. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016. 414 pp. [ITG Library: EA/23732]
  • Foppa IM. A historical introduction to mathematical modeling of infectious diseases; seminal papers in epidemiology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 197 pp. [ITG Library: EB/Online]
  • Tollefsbol TO. Epigenetics in human disease. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 577 pp. [ITG Library: EP/Online]
  • Pandey SC. Epigenetics. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 332 pp. (International Review of Neurobiology; 115). [ITG Library: EP/Online]
  • Fraga M, Fernandez Fernandez A. Epigenomics in health and disease. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 311 pp. [ITG Library: EP/Online]
  • WHO. World health statistics 2016: monitoring health for the SDGs. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2016. 121 pp. [ITG Library: EP/Reference; Online]
  • Tollefsbol T. Medical epigenetics. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 928 pp. [ITG Library: EP/Online]
  • Laurence J. Translating epigenetics to the clinic. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 311 pp. [ITG Library: EP/Online]
  • Letcher T. Climate change; observed impacts on planet earth; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 608 pp. [ITG Library: EV/Online]
  • Dhang P. Climate change impacts on urban pests. Wallingford, CABI, 2016. 189 (CABI Climate Change Series; 10). [ITG Library: EV/23774]

G. Toxicology

  • McQueen CA. Comprehensive toxicology; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2010. 14 volumes. [ITG Library: GA/Online]
  • Wexler P. Encyclopedia of toxicology; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 1065 pp. [ITG Library: GA/Online]
  • Hodgson E, Roe M. Dictionary of toxicology; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 369 pp. [ITG Library: GA/Online]
  • Gupta PK. Fundamentals of toxicology; essential concepts and applications. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 398 pp. [ITG Library: GA/Online]
  • Obesity. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 658 pp. [ITG Library: GY/Online]

H. Immunology. Infectious diseases

  • Actor J. Introductory immunology; basic concepts for interdisciplinary applications. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 162 pp. [ITG Library: H/Online]
  • Mestecki J, Strober W, Russell MW, Cheroutre H, Lambrecht BN, Kelsall, Brian L. Mucosal immunology; 4th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 2247 pp. [ITG Library: H/Online]
  • Ratcliffe MJH. Encyclopedia of immunobiology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 5 volumes. [ITG Library: H/Online]
  • Bassaganya-Riera J. Computational immunology; models and tools. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 200 pp. [ITG Library: H/Online]
  • Malagoli D. The evolution of the immune system; conservation and diversification. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 362 pp. [ITG Library: H/Online]
  • Tan S-L. Translational immunology; mechanisms and pharmacologic approaches. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 370 pp. [ITG Library: H/Online]
  • Nagy ZA. A history of modern immunology; the path toward understanding. London, Elsevier Academic Press, 2014. 340 pp. [ITG Library: H.D/23746]
  • Shoenfeld Y. The decade of autoimmunity. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1999. 431 pp. [ITG Library: HB/Online]
  • Mackay IR, Rose NR. The autoimmune diseases; 5th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 1267 pp. [ITG Library: HB/Online]
  • Shoenfeld Y, Agmon-Levin N, Rose NR. Infection and autoimmunity; 2nd ed. London, Elsevier, 2015. 1036 pp. [ITG Library: HB/23695]
  • Sullivan KE, Stiehm ER. Stiehm’s immune deficiencies. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 1134 pp. [ITG Library: HB/Online]
  • Handbook of systemic autoimmune diseases. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 12 volumes [ITG Library: HB/Online]
  • Ballarin L, Cammarata M. Lessons in immunity; from single-cell organisms to mammals. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 308 pp. [ITG Library: HB/Online]
  • Goding JW. Monoclonal antibodies; principles and practice; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1996. 492 pp. [ITG Library: HD/Online]
  • Shoenfeld Y, Meroni PL, Gershwin ME. Autoantibodies; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 855 pp. [ITG Library: HD/Online]
  • Shire S. Monoclonal antibodies; meeting the challenges in manufacturing, formulation, delivery and stability of final drug product. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 203 pp. [ITG Library: HD/Online]
  • Wild D. The immunoassay handbook; 4th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 1013 pp. [ITG Library: HG/Online]
  • Barrett ADT, Stanberry LR. Vaccines for biodefence and emerging and neglected diseases. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2009. 1478 pp. [ITG Library: HI/Online]
  • Melief CJM. Synthetic vaccines. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 260 pp. (Advances in Immunology; 114). [ITG Library: HI/Online]
  • Tong JC, Ranganathan S. Computer-aided vaccine design. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 135 pp. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine). [ITG Library: HI/Online]
  • Bloom BR, Lambert P-H. The vaccine book; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 622 pp. [ITG Library: HI/Online]
  • Modjarrad K, Koff WC. Human vaccines; emerging technologies in design and development. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 191 pp. [ITG Library: HI/Online]
  • Cohen J, Powderly WG, Opal SM. Infectious diseases; 4th ed. Edinburgh, Mosby Elsevier, 2017. 2 volumes; 1779 + 176 pp. (Expert Consult). [ITG Library: HW/23700]

J. Microbiology, bacteriology

  • Tang Y-W, Sussman M, Liu D, Poxton I, Schartzman J. Molecular medical microbiology; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 2145 pp. [ITG Library: J/Online]
  • Methods in microbiology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 43 volumes [ITG Library: J/Online]
  • Procopp GW, Chuche DL, Hall GS, Janda WM, Koneman EW, Schreckenberger PC, Woods GL. Koneman’s color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology; 7th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2017. 1606 + 218 pp. [ITG Library: J/23715]
  • Velayati AA, Varnia P. Atlas of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 214 pp. [ITG Library: JC/Online]
  • Lorent N. Early diagnosis and care of tuberculosis through community-based active case-finding in urban slums of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Antwerpen, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, 2015. 147 [ITG Library: JC.2/23684]
  • WHO. Global tuberculosis report 2016. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2016. 201 pp. (WHO/HTM/TB/2016.13). [ITG Library: JC.S/23762; Online]
  • Brown JM, Hammerschmidt S, Orihuela C. Streptococcus pneumoniae; molecular mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 464 pp. [ITG Library: JGD/Online]
  • Frerichs RR. Deadly river: cholera and cover-up in post-earthquake Haiti. Ithaca, NY, ILR Press, 2016. 201 pp. [ITG Library: JK.7/23794]
  • Klein G. Campylobacter; features, dectection, and prevention of foodborne disease. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 147 pp. [ITG Library: JKV/Online]
  • Rahman AKMA. Epidemiology of brucellosis in humans and domestic ruminants in Bangladesh. Liège, Académie Universitaire Wallonie-Europe, Université de Liège, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Département des Maladies Infectieuses et Parasitaires, Service d’Epidémiologie et Analyse de Risques Appiquées aus Sciences Vétérinaires; Antwerp, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Unit of Veterinary Epidemiology; Mymensingh, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Faculty of Veterinary Science – Department of Medicine, 2015. 199 pp. [ITG Library: JP/Online]
  • Sobanjo-ter Meulen A, Omer SB. Infant pertussis disease burden in the context of maternal immunization strategies. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. 138 pp. [S117-S243] (Clinical Infectious Diseases; 63(Suppl.4)). [ITG Library: JQP/Online; Periodicals]
  • Donnenberg M. Escherichia coli; pathotypes and principles of pathogenesis; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 576 pp. [ITG Library: JZ/Online]

K. Virology

  • Burrell CJ, Howard CR, Murphy FA. Fenner and White’s medical virology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 583 pp. [ITG Library: K/Online]
  • Klasse PJ. The molecular basis of viral infection. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 293 pp. (Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science: 129). [ITG Library: K/Online]
  • Parashar UD, Tate JE. Health benefits of rotavirus vaccination in developing countries. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. 138 pp. [S91-S228] (Clinical Infectious Diseases; 62(Suppl.2)). [ITG Library: K/Online; Periodicals]
  • Arbuthnot P. Gene therapy for viral infections. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 376 pp. [ITG Library: K.R/Online]
  • Jackson AC. Research advances in rabies. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2011. 468 pp. (Advances in Virus Research; 79). [ITG Library: KK/Online]
  • Jackson AC. Rabies; scientific basis of the disease and management; 3rd ed. London, Elsevier Academic Press, 2013. 707 pp. [ITG Library: KK/23745]
  • Rupprecht CCE, Nagarajan T. Current laboratory techniques in rabies diagnosis, research and prevention. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 2 volumes [ITG Library: KK/Online]
  • Wang Q, Tao YJ. Influenza: current research. Norfolk, Caister Academic Press, 2016. 164 pp. [ITG Library: KL/23757]
  • Qureshi AI. Ebola virus disease; from origin to outbreak. London, Academic Press, 2016. 200 pp. [ITG Library: KPH/23704]
  • Crawford DH. Ebola: profile of a killer virus. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. 204 pp. [ITG Library: KPH/23750]
  • Kuriansky J. The psychosocial aspects of a deadly epidemic; what Ebola has taught us about holistic healing. Santa Barbara, Praeger, 2016. 428 pp. (Practical and Applied Psychology). [ITG Library: KPH/23759]
  • Richards P. Ebola: how a people’s science helped end an epidemic. London, Zed Books, 2016. 179 pp. (African Arguments). [ITG Library: KPH/23758]
  • Evans NC, Smith TC, Majumder MS. Ebola’s message: public health and medicine in the twenty-first century. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2016. 267 pp. [ITG Library: KPH/23764]
  • Saxena SK. Advances in molecular retrovirology. Rijeka, InTech, 2016. 191 pp. [ITG Library: KR/Online]
  • Ross Watson R. Health of HIV infected people. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 608 pp. [ITG Library: KRC/Online]
  • Haacker M. The economics of the global response to HIV/AIDS. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. 290 pp. [ITG Library: KRC/23711]
  • Mayer K, Grinszejn B, El-Sadr WM. HIV prevention for transgender populations. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016. 49 pp. [S207-S255] (Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes; 72(Suppl.3)). [ITG Library: KRC/Periodicals]
  • Hernberg-Stahl E, Reljanovic M. Orphan drugs; understanding the rare disease market and its dynamics. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 317 pp. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine). [ITG Library: KS/Online]
  • National Research Council. Eliminating the public health problem of hepatitis B and C in the United States: phase one report. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 186 pp. [ITG Library: KS.S/Online]
  • Cobo F. Human papillomavirus infections; from the laboratory to clinical practice. Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing, 2012. 148 pp. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine; 14). [ITG Library: KV/23744]
  • Lvov DK, Shchelkanov MY, Alkhovsky SV, Deryabin PG. Zoonotic viruses in northern Eurasia; taxonomy and ecology. Amsterdam, Academic Press, 2015. 440 pp. [ITG Library: KXO/23696]
  • Beckage NE, Drezen J-M. Parasitoid viruses; symbionts and pathogens. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 292 pp. [ITG Library: KZ/Online]
  • Chan PKS, Kwan HS, Chan MCW. The norovirus; features, detection, and prevention of foodborne disease. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 213 pp. [ITG Library: KZ/Online]


L. General parasitology. Protozoolog

  • ANOFEL. Parasitoses et mycoses des régions tempérées et tropicales; 5e éd. Paris, Elsevier Masson, 2016. 470 pp. (Les Référentiels des Collèges). [ITG Library: L/23779]
  • De Boeck H, Potters I, Jacobs J. Laboratory notes: parasitology – bacteriology – hematology. Antwerp, Institute of Tropical Medicine, 2015. div. pp. [ITG Library: L.Q/23690]
  • Weiss LM, Kim K. Toxoplasma gondii; the model apicomplexan – perspectives and methods; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 1085 pp. [ITG Library: LE/Online]
  • Kerkhof K. Serological markers to measure recent changes in malaria transmission; a promising tool towards malaria elimination. Antwerp, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Department of Biomedical Science; [s.l.]: Institut Pasteur de Cambodge, Department of Biomedical science; Antwerp: University of Antwerpen, Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Science, 2016. 224 pp. [ITG Library: LF.S/Online]
  • Adak S, Datta R. Leishmania: current biology and control. Norfolk, Caister Academic Press, 2015. 241 pp. [ITG Library: LQ/23760]
  • Kumar G, Mishra R. Tackling the kala-azar menace in Bihar: an integrated perspective. New Delhi, Prabhat Prakashan, 2015. 166 pp. [ITG Library: LQ.2/23731]

M. Helminthology

  • Holland C. Ascaris; the neglected parasite. London, Academic Press, 2013. 439 pp. [ITG Library: MQ/23694]
  • Gasser RB, von Samson-Himmelstjerna G. Haemonchus contortus and haemonchosis; past, present and future trends. Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press, 2016. 666 pp. (Advances in Parasitology; 93). [ITG Library: MR/Online; Periodicals]

N. Entomology

  • Hill M. Proceedings; XIX Congress of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, 13 to 15 July 2015, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. Bloemfontein, Entomological Society of Southern Africa (ESSA), 2015. 262 pp. [ITG Library: N.AD/23672 M]
  • Gilbert LE. Insect molecular biology and biochemistry. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 563 pp. [ITG Library: N.B/Online]
  • Hoy MA. Insect molecular genetics; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 808 pp. [ITG Library: N.B/Online]
  • Schowalter TD. Insect ecology; an ecosystem approach; 4th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 762 pp. [ITG Library: N.E/Online]
  • Trdan S. Insecticides resistance. Rijeka, InTech, 2016. 448 pp. [ITG Library: NDI/Online]
  • Raikhel AS. Progress in mosquito research. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 450 pp. (Advances in Insect Physiology; 51). [ITG Library: NO/Online]

P. Pathology. Hematology

  • Vaidya JS, Crook T, Joseph D. Fast facts: breast cancer; 5th ed. Abingdon, Health Press, 2014. 149 pp. [ITG Library: PM/Online]
  • Kirby RS, Patel MI. Fast facts: prostate cancer; 8th ed. Abingdon, Health Press, 2014. 132 pp. [ITG Library: PM/Online]
  • Drilon AE, Postow MA. Pocket oncology. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014. 331 pp. [ITG Library: PM/Online]
  • Bignold LP. Principles of tumors; a translational approach to foundations. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 458 pp. [ITG Library: PM/Online]
  • DeVita VT, Lawrence TS, Rosenberg SA. Lymphomas and leukemias: cancer; principles & practice of oncology; 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016. 702 pp. [ITG Library: PM/Online]
  • Mitchell MG. Cell biology; translational impact in cancer biology and bioinformatics. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 337 pp. [ITG Library: PM/Online]
  • Mydlo JH, Godec CJ. Prostate cancer; science and clinical practice; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 652 pp. [ITG Library: PM/Online]
  • Neidle S. Cancer drug design and discovery; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 622 pp. [ITG Library: PM.R/Online]
  • Green D. Linked by blood; hemophilia and AIDS. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 147 pp. [ITG Library: PYV/Online]

Q. Clinical and laboratory medicine

  • Coleman WB, Tsongalis GJ. Diagnostic molecular pathology; a guide to applied molecular testing. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 561 pp. [ITG Library: Q/Online]
  • Cook N, D’Agostino M, Thompson KC. Molecular microbial diagnostic methods; pathways to implementation for the food and water industry. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 251 pp. [ITG Library: Q/Online]
  • Patrinos GP, Danielson PB, Ansorge WB. Molecular diagnostics; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 506 pp. [ITG Library: Q/Online]
  • Gallin JI, Ognibene FP. Principles and practice of clinical research; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 780 pp. [ITG Library: QA/Online]
  • Greenes RA. Clinical decision support; the road to broad adoption; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 887 pp. [ITG Library: QA/Online]
  • Payne TH. Practical guide to clinical computing systems; design, operations, infrastructure; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 228 pp. [ITG Library: QA/Online]
  • Robertson D, Williams GH. Clinical and translational science; principles of human research; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 788 pp. [ITG Library: QA/Online]
  • Arbo JE. Decision making in emergency critical care; an evidence-based handbook. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015. 810 pp. [ITG Library: QB/Online]
  • Cico SJ. Atlas of clinical emergency medicine. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016. 369 pp. [ITG Library: QB/Online]
  • Wiener-Kronish JP. Critical care handbook of the Massachusetts General Hospital; 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016. 640 pp. [ITG Library: QB/Online]
  • Domino FJ. The 5-minute clinical consult 2017; 25th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2017. 1145 pp. [ITG Library: QD/Online]
  • Dasgupta A, Wahed A. Clinical chemistry, immunology and laboratory quality control; a comprehensive review for board preparation, certification and clinical practice. San Diego, CA, Elsevier, 2014. 483 pp. [ITG Library: QH/23702]
  • Hamblin MR, Avci P, Gupta GK. Imaging in dermatology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 544 pp. [ITG Library: QR/Online]

R. Pharmacology and therapeutics

  • Roy J. An introduction to pharmaceutical sciences; production, chemistry, techniques and technology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2011. 404 pp. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine). [ITG Library: R/Online]
  • Atkinson AJ, Huang S-M, Lertora JJL, Markey SP. Principles of clinical pharmacology; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 626 pp. [ITG Library: R/Online]
  • Xie W. Drug metabolism in diseases. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 283 pp. [ITG Library: R/Online]
  • Wermuth CG, Aldous D, Raboisson P, Rognan D. The practice of medicinal chemistry; 4th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 880 pp. [ITG Library: R/Online]
  • Kenakin T. Pharmacology in drug discovery and development; understanding drug response; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 326 pp. [ITG Library: R/Online]
  • Dasgupta A. Therapeutic drug monitoring. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 459 pp. [ITG Library: RJ/Online]
  • WHO/OMS. International nonproprietary names (INN) for pharmaceutical substances; lists 1-113 of proposed INN and lists 1-74 of recommended INN; cumulative list N° 16. Dénominations communes internationales (DCI) pour les substances pharmaceutiques; listes 1-113 de DCI proposées et listes 1-74 de DCI recommandées; liste récapitulative N° 16 [CDROM]. Geneva/Genève, World Health Organization (WHO) / Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), 2015. [ITG Library: RJ/23671 BIB]
  • Kenakin T. A pharmacology primer; techniques for more effective and strategic drug discovery; 4th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 430 pp. [ITG Library: RJ/Online]
  • Clarke W, Dasgupta D. Clinical challenges in therapeutic drug monitoring; special populations, physiological conditions and pharmacogenomics. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 360 pp. [ITG Library: RJ/Online]
  • Aronson JK. Meyler’s side effects of drugs; the international encyclopedia of adverse drug reactions and interactions; 16th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 612 pp. [ITG Library: RJ/Online]
  • Brody T. Clinical trials; study design, endpoints and biomarkers, drug safety, and FDA and ICH guidelines; 2nd ed. London, Academic Press, 2016. 863 pp. [ITG Library: RNA/23701]
  • Watkins RR, Bonomo RA. Antibiotic resistance: challenges and opportunities. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier, 2016. 253 pp. (Infectious Disease Clinics of North America; 30(2)). [ITG Library: RNR/Online; Periodicals]
  • Laplante K, Cunha C, Morrill H, Rice L, Mylonakis E. Antimicrobial stewardship, principles and practics. Wallingford, CABI, 2016. 431 pp. [ITG Library: RNR/23795]
  • Kon K, Rai M. Antibiotic resistance ; mechanisms and new antimicrobial approaches. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 413 pp. [ITG Library: RNR/Online]
  • Lezotre P-L. International cooperation, convergence and harmonization of pharmaceutical regulations; a global perspective. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 349 pp. [ITG Library: RS/Online]
  • Fathelrahman A, Ibrahim M, Wertheimer A. Pharmacy practice in developing countries; achievements and challenges. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 475 pp. [ITG Library: RS/Online]

S. Hygiene. Public health

  • WHO. The Innov8 approach for reviewing national health programmes to leave no one behind; technical handbook. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2016. 239 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23761; Online]
  • Nriagu JO. Encyclopedia of environmental health. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2011. 807 pp. [ITG Library: SB/Online]
  • Viegas C, Pinheiro C, Sabino R, Viegas S, Brandão J, Verísimo C. Environmental mycology in public health; fungi and mycotoxin risk assessment and management. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 436 pp. [ITG Library: SB/Online]
  • Prüss-Ustün A, Wolf J, Corvalán C, Bos R, Neira M. Preventing disease through healthy environments; a global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2016. 147 pp. [ITG Library: SB/23682]
  • Bridle H. Waterborne pathogens; detection methods and applications. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 401 pp. [ITG Library: SEZ/Online]
  • Percival S, Yates MV, Chalmers R, Gray N. Microbiology of waterborne diseases; microbial aspects and risks; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 695 pp. [ITG Library: SEZ/Online]
  • Coppola DP. Introduction to international disaster management; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 733 pp. [ITG Library: SJA/Online]
  • Eyal N, Hurst SA, Norheim OF, Wikler D. Inequalities in health; concepts, measures, and ethics. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013. 335 pp. (Population-Level Bioethics). [ITG Library: SO/23736]
  • Rosen G. A history of public health; revised expanded edition. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015. 370 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23717]
  • Goldsteen RL, Goldsteen K, Dwelle T. Introduction to public health; promises and practices; 2nd ed. New York, Springer, 2015. 273 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
  • National Research Council. Exploring shared value in global health and safety; workshop summary. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 130 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
  • Glassman A, Temin M. Millions saved; new cases of proven success in global health. Washington, DC, Center for Global Development, 2016. 241 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23687]
  • Bambra C. Health divides; where you live can kill you. Bristol, Policy Press, 2016. 303 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23749; 23738 PUBLIC]
  • Bourdillon F, Brücker G, Tabuteau D. Traité de santé publique; 3e éd. Paris, Lavoisier Médecine, 2016. 716 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23778]
  • James J. The health of populations; beyond medicine. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 508 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
  • Bartley M. Health inequality; an introduction to concepts, theories and methods; 2nd ed. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2017. 244 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23752]
  • Quah SR, Cockerham WC. International encyclopedia of public health. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 510 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
  • Lexa FJ. Leadership lessons for health care providers. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 213 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
  • Geissler PW. Para-states and medical science: making African global health. [s.l.], Duke University Press, 2015. 369 pp. (Critical Global Health: Evidence, Efficacy, Ethnography). [ITG Library: SO.1/23751]
  • Tashobya CK. Developing an appropriate district health system performance assessment framework for Uganda. [Louvain-la-Neuve], Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Institut de Recherche Santé et Société (IRSS); Antwerp, Institute of Tropical Medicine, 2016. div. pp. [ITG Library: SO.1/23685]
  • McKenzie JF, Neiger BL, Thackeray R. Planning, implementing & evaluating health promotion programs; a primer; 7th ed. [s.l.], Pearson, 2017. 478 pp. [ITG Library: SOC/23777]
  • Bowling A. Research methods in health: investigating health and health services; 4th ed. Maidenhead, Open University Press, 2014. 512 pp. [ITG Library: SOCA/23753]
  • Culyer AJ. Encyclopedia of health economics. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 501 pp. [ITG Library: SOD/Online]
  • Silverman R, Over M, Bauhoff S. Aligning incentives, accelerating impact; next generation financing models for global health. Washington, DC, Center for Global Development, 2015. 49 pp. [ITG Library: SOE/23688]
  • Vleugels A. Ondernemerschap in de zorg. Brussel, Politeia, 2012. 158 pp. [ITG Library: SOG/25181 M]
  • WHO, World Bank. Access to modern energy services for health facilities in resource-constrained settings; a review of status, significance, challenges and measurement. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO); Washington, DC, World Bank, 2014. 102 pp. [ITG Library: SOG/23689]
  • Dixon B. Health information exchange; navigating and managing a network of health information systems. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 608 pp. [ITG Library: SOH/Online]
  • Anandale E. The sociology of health and medicine; a clinical introduction; 2nd ed. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2014. 289 pp. [ITG Library: SON/23681]
  • Bhojani U. Enhancing care for chronic conditions: role of local health systems. Gent, Universiteit Gent, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Public Health, 2016. 229 pp. [ITG Library: SP/23733]
  • van Olmen J. Care for chronic diseases in low income countries; the health system perspective and self-management of diabetes. Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. xx + 155 pp. [ITG Library: SP/23756; Online]
  • WHO. Global status report on road safety 2015. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2015. 323 pp. [ITG Library: SQA/23686]
  • Auerbach PS, Cushing TA, Harris NS. Auerbach’s wilderness medicine; 7th ed. Phildadelphia, Elsevier, 2016. 2 volumes; 2631 pp. [ITG Library: SS/23796]
  • Sanford C, Pottinger PS, Jong EC. The travel and tropical medicine manual; 5th ed. Phildadelphia, Elsevier, 2017. 646 pp. [ITG Library: SS/23776]
  • Walker JH. Decontamination is hospitals and healthcare. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 171 pp. [ITG Library: SYN/Online]
  • Kaye KS, Dhar S. Infection prevention and control in healthcare. Part I: facility planning and management. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier, 2016. 285 pp. (Infectious Disease Clinics of North America; 30(3)). [ITG Library: SYN/Online; Periodicals]
  • Kaye KS, Dhar S. Infection prevention and control in healthcare. Part II: epidemiology and prevention of infections. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier, 2016. 242 pp. (Infectious Disease Clinics of North America; 30(4)). [ITG Library: SYN/Online; Periodicals]
  • Fondahn E, Lane M, Vannucci A. Washington manual of patient safety and quality improvement. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016. 377 pp. [ITG Library: SYP/Online]

U. Tropical medicine and other specialties

  • Basanes MG, Anderson RM. Mathematical models for neglected tropical diseases; essential tools for control and elimination. Part B. Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press, 2016. 448 pp. (Advances in Parasitology; 94). [ITG Library: UB.S/Online; Periodicals]
  • FESTMIH. Abstracts of the 8th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health & 5th Conference of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology, 10-13 September 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 2013. 250 pp. (Tropical Medicine and International Health; 18(Suppl.1)). [ITG Library: UBC/Online]
  • FESTMIH. Abstracts of the 9th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, 6-10 September 2015, Basel, Switzerland. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 2015. 474 pp. (Tropical Medicine and International Health; 20(Suppl.1)). [ITG Library: UBC/Online]
  • Lorenzo J, Horowitz M, Choi Y, Takanayagi H, Schett G. Osteoimmunology; interactions of the immune and skeletal systems; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 363 pp. [ITG Library: UEJ.H/Online]
  • Butany J, Buja ML. Cardiovascular pathology; 4th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 814 pp. [ITG Library: UH/Online]
  • Papageorgiou N. Cardiovascular diseases; genetic susceptibility, environmental factors and their interaction. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 235 pp. [ITG Library: UH/Online]
  • Korczyk D, Marwyck TH, Kaye G. Fast facts: heart failure. Abingdon, Health Press, 2012. div. pp. [ITG Library: UHOC/Online]
  • Gurbel PA, Tantry US, Huber K. Fast facts: acute coronary syndromes. Abingdon, Health Press, 2014. 128 pp. [ITG Library: UHS/Online]
  • Aminoff MJ, Josephson SA. Aminoff’s neurology and general medicine; 5th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 1368 pp. [ITG Library: UI/Online]
  • Sontheimer H. Diseases of the nervous system. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 514 pp. [ITG Library: UI/Online]
  • Rosenberg RN, Pascual JM. Rosenberg’s molecular and genetic basis of neurological and psychiatric disease; 5th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 1424 pp. [ITG Library: UI/Online]
  • Louis ED, Mayer SA, Rowland LP. Merritt’s neurology; 13th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016. 1402 pp. [ITG Library: UI/Online]
  • Minagar A. Multiple sclerosis; a mechanistic view. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 521 pp. [ITG Library: UIEF/Online]
  • Haddad M, Gunn J. Fast facts: depression; 3rd ed. Abingdon, Health Press, 2011. 116 pp. [ITG Library: UJ/Online]
  • Friedman H. Encyclopedia of mental health; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 394 pp. [ITG Library: UJ/Online]
  • McMillan K, Weyers J. How to improve your critical thinking & reflective skills. Harlow, Pearson, 2013. 278 pp. (Smarter Study Skills). [ITG Library: UJCB/23679 PUBLIC]
  • Simcock P, Burger A. Fast facts: ophthalmology; 2nd ed. Abingdon, Health Press, 2015. 111 pp. [ITG Library: UK/Online]
  • Kon K, Rai M. The microbiology of respiratory system infections. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 293 pp. (Clinical Microbiology: Diagnosis, Treatments and Prophylaxis of Infections; 1). [ITG Library: UO/Online]
  • Pinkerton K, Harding R. The lung; development, aging and the environment; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 499 pp. [ITG Library: UOW/Online]
  • Kradin RL. Understanding pulmonary pathology; applying pathological findings in therapeutic decision making. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 343 pp. [ITG Library: UOW/Online]
  • Mahl T, O’Grady JG. Fast facts: liver disorders; 2nd ed. Abingdon, Health Press, 2014. 117 pp. [ITG Library: UPW/Online]
  • Takei Y, Ando H, Tsutsui K. Handbook of hormones; comparative endocrinology for basic and clinical research. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 646 pp. [ITG Library: UQA/Online]
  • Norman AW, Henry HL. Hormones; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 413 pp. [ITG Library: UQA/Online]
  • Scobie IN, Samaras K. Fast facts: diabetes mellitus; 5th ed. Abingdon, Health Press, 2014. 136 pp. [ITG Library: UQI/Online]
  • Preedy V. Diabetes; oxidative stress and dietary antioxidants. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 269 pp. [ITG Library: UQI/Online]
  • Morris TA, Ries AL, Bordow RA. Manual of clinical problems in pulmonary medicine; 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014. 641 pp. [ITG Library: UR/Online]
  • Tsokos GC. Systemic lupus erythematosus; basic, applied and clinical aspects. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 614 pp. [ITG Library: URGL/Online]
  • Kimmel PL, Rosenberg ME. Chronic renal disease. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 916 pp. [ITG Library: US/Online]
  • Alpern RJ, Moe OW, Caplan M. Seldin and Giebisch’s the kidney; 5th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 2 volumes; 3278 pp. (Physiology & Pathophysiology; 1-2). [ITG Library: USK/Online]
  • Singh A, Levy J, Pusey C. Fast facts: renal disorders; 2nd ed. Abingdon, Health Press, 2013. 144 pp. [ITG Library: USK/Online]
  • Schrier RW. Manual of nephrology; 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015. 443 pp. [ITG Library: USK/Online]
  • Plant TM, Zeleznik AJ. Knobil and Neil’s physiology of reproduction; 4th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 2550 pp. [ITG Library: UT/Online]
  • Stanberry LR, Rosenthal S. Sexually transmitted diseases; vaccines, prevention, and control; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 509 pp. [ITG Library: UTU/Online]
  • Goldman MB, Troisi R, Rexrode KM. Women and health; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 1581 pp. [ITG Library: UV/Online]
  • Maulet N. Perspectives des femmes prises en charge pour fistule obsétricale au Mali et au Niger. [Louvain-la-Neuve], Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Institut de Recherche Santé et Société (IRSS), 2015. 272 pp. [ITG Library: UW/25224 M]
  • Tebeu PM. Prise en charge psychosociale et counseling des fistules obstétricales et non obstétricales. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2016. 205 pp. [ITG Library: UW/23693]
  • Ouattara F, Gruénais M-E, Richard F, Ouédraogo C. Accompagner les femmes à la maternité au Burkina Faso; anthropologie et santé publique dans un projet d’amélioration des soins obstétricaux. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2016. 235 pp. (Collection Anthropologie & Médecines). [ITG Library: UWB/23792 PUBLIC]
  • WHO. Pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and newborn care: a guide for essential practice; 3rd ed. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2015. div. pp. (Integrated Management of Pregnancy and Childbirth (IMPAC)). [ITG Library: UWE/23762]
  • Lanzkowski P, Lipton JM, Fish JD. Lanzkowski’s manual of pediatric hematology and oncology; 6th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 751 pp. [ITG Library: UX/Online]
  • Gawande A. Being mortal; medicine and what matters in the end. New York, Metropolitan Books, 2014. 282 [ITG Library: UY/23697 PUBLIC]

X. Veterinary sciences

  • Ron-Garrido LJ. The use of statistical and simulation modelling as decision support tools in veterinary public health. Liège, Académie Universitaire Wallonie-Europe, Université de Liège, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Département des Maladies Infectieuses et Parasitaires, Service d’Epidémiologie et Analyse de Risques Appiquées aus Sciences Vétérinaires; Antwerp, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Unit of Veterinary Epidemiology; Quito, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Centro Internacional de Zoonosis, 2016. 182 pp. [ITG Library: XE/Online]
  • Gupta RC. Veterinary toxicology; basic and clinical principles; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2012. 1438 pp. [ITG Library: XHI/Online]
  • Malik BS, Malik M. Objective and short answer questions in veterinary virology; 2nd ed. New Delhi, CBS Publishers, 2003. 253 pp. [ITG Library: XK/23747]
  • MacLachlan NJ, Dubovi EJ, Bartholt SW, Swayne DF, Winton JF. Fenner’s veterinary virology; 5th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 581 pp. [ITG Library: XK/Online]
  • Ziam H. Epidémiologie des piroplasmoses bovines dans le nord de l’Algérie; cas de theilérioses chez les bovins. [Alger], Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, Faculté des Sciences Biologiques, 2015. 130 pp. [ITG Library: XLC/Online]
  • Bardosh, K. One health; science, politics and zoonotic disease in Africa. London, Earthscan, 2016. 239 pp. (Pathways to Sustainability). [ITG Library: XO/23793]
  • Rahman H. Neglected zoonoses: concern for One Health. New Delhi, Biotech Books, 2017. 166 pp. [ITG Library: XO/23773]
  • Hamid ME. Skin diseases of cattle in the tropics; a guide to diagnosis and treatment. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 88 pp. [ITG Library: XUR/Online]
  • Conn PM. Animal models for the study of human disease. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 1089 pp. [ITG Library: XXQ/Online]
  • Guillen J. Laboratory animals; regulations and recommendations for global collaborative research. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 401 pp. [ITG Library: XXQ/Online]
  • Anderson LC, Otto G, Pritchett-Corning KR, Whary MT, Fox JG. Laboratory animal medicine; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 1708 pp. [ITG Library: XXQ/Online]
  • Cooper JE, Hull G. Gorilla pathology and health; with a catalogue of preserved materials. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 631 pp. [ITG Library: XXY/Online]

Z. Geography. Anthropology. Sociologie. Economics

  • Swinnen J. Rwanda, mijn verhaal. Kalmthout, Polis, 2016. 599 pp. [ITG Library: ZB/23741 PUBLIC]
  • Posthumus B. Guinea; masks, music and minerals. London, C. Hurst & Co, 2016. 273 pp. [ITG Library: ZB/23790 PUBLIC]
  • Dedry A. Zorg zonder naam; mantelzorgwegwijzer. Tielt, Lannoo, 2016. 165 pp. [ITG Library: ZVL/23678 PUBLIC]
  • Annemans L. Je geld of je leven in de gezondheidszorg. Kalmthout, Van Halewyck, 2016. 159 pp. [ITG Library: ZVL/23724 PUBLIC; 23742 PUBLIC]
  • Arndt C, McKay A, Tarp F. Growth and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. 466 pp. (UNU-WIDER Studies in Development Economics). [ITG Library: ZVM/23712]
  • Elder-Vass D. The causal power of social structures; emergence, structure and agency. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011. 221 pp. [ITG Library: ZVO/23791 PUBLIC]
  • Achten V, Bouckaert G, Schokkaert E. ‘A truly golden handbook’; the scholarly quest for utopia. Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2016. 575 pp. [ITG Library: ZVO/23771 PUBLIC]
  • Cantillon B, Buysse L. De staat van de welvaartsstaat. Leuven, Acco, 2016. 555 pp. [ITG Library: ZVO/23770 PUBLIC]
  • Van Belleghem S. When digital becomes human; klantenrelaties in transformatie. Leuven, LannooCampus; Culemborg; van Duuren Management, 2016. 221 pp. [ITG Library: ZVO/23784 INFOR]
  • Nussbaum M. Politieke emoties; waarom een rechtvaardige samenleving niet zonder liefde kan. Amsterdam, Ambo/Anthos, 2014. 430 [ITG Library: ZVP/23739 PUBLIC]
  • Roberto CA, Kawachi I. Behavioral economics & public health. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. 367 pp. [ITG Library: ZVR/23660 PUBLIC]

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