ITG Library - Recent Book Acquisitions
Bulletin 122 - 01/01/2016 - 30/06/2016
A. Reference
- Lanker RD. The atlas of new librarianship. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press, 2011. 408 pp. [ITG Library: AHX/23633 BIB]
- Van Hee J, De Vogelaere N, Wambacq E, Otten R, Weyts M, Clément J. Open organisatie. Brussel, Politeia, 2016. 75 pp. (Reeks Informatiemanagement). [ITG Library: AHX/23590 BIB]
- De Vogelaere N, Smits G, Heyman R, Callens H, De Bruyne D, Vael M, Van Hee J. Sociale media. Brussel, Politeia, 2016. 120 pp. (Reeks Informatiemanagement). [ITG Library: AHX/23591 BIB]
- De Smet A, Brison S. Villa Muller; Marcel Spitael 1938. Brussel, AAM Editions, 2015. 167 pp. [ITG Library: AW/23559 M]
B. Natural science. Statistics
- Fara P. Science; a four thousand year history. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010. 482 pp. [ITG Library: B/23646]
- Chalmers A. What is this thing called science? 4th ed. Maidenhead, Open University Press, 2013. 282 pp. [ITG Library: B/23644]
- Pritchard D. What is this thing called knowledge? 3rd ed. London, Routledge, 2014. 218 pp. [ITG Library: B/23626]
- Holland JH. Complexity; a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014. 95 pp. (Very Short Introductions). [ITG Library: B/23622]
- Nagel J. Knowledge; a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014. 133 pp. (Very Short Introductions). [ITG Library: B/23614]
- EDCTP. European and African clinical research; a bibliometric analysis of publications within the scope of EDCTP2 2003-2011. The Hague, European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), 2015. 147 pp. [ITG Library: BA
- Roemer RC, Borchardt R. Meaningful metrics; a 21st-century librarian’s guide to bibliometrics, altmetrics, and research impact. Chicago, Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015. 251 pp. [ITG Library: BA/23653; Online]
- Bent MJ. Practical tips for facilitating research. London, Facet Publishing, 2016. 263 pp. (Practical Tips for Library and Information Professionals). [ITG Library: BA/23611]
- VRWI. Doorstroom van doctoraathouders naar de arbeidsmarkt. Brussel, Vlaamse Raad voor Wetenschap en Innovatie, 2016. 229 pp. (Studiereeks; 27). [ITG Library: BA/23655]
- Hey T, Tansley S, Tolle K. The fourth paradigm: data-intensive discovery. Redmond, Microsoft Research, 2009. 252 pp. [ITG Library: BB/23584]
- Waisberg D. Google Analytics integrations. New York, John Wiley, 2015. 187 pp. [ITG Library: BB/23566]
- Smith Rumsey A. When we are no more; how digital memory is shaping our future. London, Bloomsbury, 2016. 229 pp. [ITG Library: BB/23610]
- Haigh J. Probability; a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012. 128 pp. (Very Short Introductions). [ITG Library: BBM/23623]
- Bland M. An introduction to medical statistics; 4th ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015. 427 pp. [ITG Library: BBW/23574]
- Atkins P. Chemistry: a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015. 107 pp. (Very Short Introductions). [ITG Library: BC/23605]
- Rieff D. The reproach of hunger, food, justice, and money in the twenty-first century. New York, Simon & Schuster, 2015. 402 pp. [ITG Library: BFZ/23599]
- Model ML. Bioinformatics programming using Python. Sebastopol, CA, O’Reilly, 2010. 492 pp. [ITG Library: BJC/23594 BIOMED]
- Antao T. Bioinformatics with Python cookbook. Birmingham, Packt Publishing, 2015. 286 pp. [ITG Library: BJC/23586 BIOMED]
- Persing DH, Tenover FC, Hayden RT, Ieven M, Miller MB, Nolte FS, Tang Y-W, Van Belkum A. Molecular microbiology; diagnostic principles and practice; 3rd ed. Washington, DC, ASM Press, 2016. 835 pp. [ITG Library: BJC/23666]
- Hazen RM. Genesis; the scientific quest for life’s origins. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2005. 368 pp. [ITG Library: BJS/Online]
- Hamlin C. More than hot; a short history of fever. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. 383 pp. (Johns Hopkins Biographies of Disease). [ITG Library: BQX/23643]
C. Internal medicine
- Bennett C. What is this thing called ethics? 2nd ed. London, Routledge, 2015. 196 pp. [ITG Library: CBE/23645]
- Singer P. Practical ethics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011. 337 pp. [ITG Library: CBE/23580]
- Dupuis M. L’éthique organisationnelle dans le secteur de la santé; ressources et limites contextuelles des pratiques soignantes. Paris, Seli Arslan, 2014. 182 pp. [ITG Library: CBE/23618 PUBLIC]
- Mukherjee S. The laws of medicine: field notes from an uncertain science. New York, Simon & Schuster, 2015. 70 pp. (TED Books). [ITG Library: CBE/23575]
D. History of medicine
- Plotkin SA. History of vaccine development. Berlin, Springer, 2011. 349 pp. [ITG Library: D/23578]
E. Epidemiology. Demography
- Webber R. Disease selection; the way disease changed the world. Wallingford, CABI, 2015. 177 pp. [ITG Library: EA/23583]
- Levitt AM. Deadly outbreaks; how medical detectives save lives threatened by killer pandemics, exotic viruses, and drug-resistant parasites. New York, Skyhorse Publishing, 2015. 225 pp. [ITG Library: EA/23612]
- Shah S. Pandemic: tracking contagions, from cholera to Ebola and beyond. New York, Sarah Crichton Books, 2016. 271 pp. [ITG Library: EA/23603]
- Abubakar I, Stagg HR, Cohen T, Rodrigues LC. Infectious disease epidemiology. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. 379 pp. (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Infectious Diseases). [ITG Library: EB/23631]
- National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Recent fertility trends in sub-saharan Africa; workshop summary. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 88 pp. [ITG Library: EK.1/Online]
- Luber G, Lemery J. Global climate change and human health; from science to practice. San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 2015. 638 pp. [ITG Library: EV/23649]
H. Immunology. Infectious diseases
- Anderson W, Mackay IR. Intolerant bodies; a short history of autoimmunity. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. 250 pp. (Johns Hopkins Biographies of Disease). [ITG Library: HB/23642]
- Paul WE. Immunity. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015. 260 pp. [ITG Library: HB/23553]
- Marks LV. The lock and key of medicine; monoclonal antibodies and the transformation of healthcare. New Haven, Yale University Press, 2015. 316 pp. [ITG Library: HD/23569]
- WHO Department of Immunization VaB. Immunization in practice; a practical guide for health staff; 2015 update. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2015. div. pp. [ITG Library: HI/23670; Online]
- Thomas S. Vaccine design: methods and protocols. Volume 1: vaccines for human diseases. New York, Humana Press, 2016. 873 pp. (Methods in Molecular Biology; 1403). [ITG Library: HI/23675]
- Singer M. Anthropology of infectious disease. Walnut Creek, CA, Left Coast Press, 2015. 320 pp. [ITG Library: HW/23558]
- National Research Council. Emerging viral diseases; the One Health connection workshop summary. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2015. 336 pp. [ITG Library: HW/Online]
- Bauerfeind R, von Graevenitz A, Kimming P, Schiefer HG, Schwarz T, Slenczka W, Zahner H. Zoonoses: infectious diseases transmissible from animals to humans; 4th ed. Washington, DC, ASM Press, 2016. 352 pp. [ITG Library: HW/23551]
- National Research Council. The neglected dimension of global security; a framework to counter infectious disease crises. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 144 pp. [ITG Library: HW.S/Online]
- National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Rapid medical countermeasure response to infectious diseases; enabling sustainable capabilities through ongoing public- and private-sector partnerships; workshop summary. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 176 pp. [ITG Library: HW.S/Online]
- Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Sobel JD. Fungal infections. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier, 2016. 312 pp. (Infectious Disease Clinics of North America; 30(1)). [ITG Library: IO/Periodicals]
J. Microbiology, bacteriology
- Baddour MM. Updates on brucellosis. Rijeka, InTech, 2015. 254 pp. [ITG Library: JP/Online]
K. Virology
- Katze MG, Korth MJ, Law GL, Nathanson N. Viral pathogenesis; from basics to systems biology; 3rd ed. San Diego, Academic Press, 2016. 351 pp. [ITG Library: K/23549]
- Domingo E. Virus as populations; composition, complexity, dynamics, and biological implications. Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press, 2016. 412 pp. [ITG Library: K/23630]
- Vasilakis N, Gubler DJ. Arboviruses: molecular biology, evolution and control. Norfolk, Caister Academic Press, 2016. 398 pp. [ITG Library: KP/23582 BIOMED]
- Mboup S, Guershy-Damet G-M, Touré Kane C, Bélec L. Biologie appliquée de l’infection à VIH et ses comorbidités en Afrique. Paris, John Libbey Eurotext, 2015. 446 pp. [ITG Library: KRC.1/23676]
L. General parasitology. Protozoolog
- Rollinson D, Stothard JR. Advances in parasitology. Volume 91. Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press, 2016. 426 pp. (Advances in Parasitology; 91). [ITG Library: L/Periodicals]
- Garcia LS. Diagnostic parasitology; 6th ed. Washington, DC, ASM Press, 2016. 1388 pp. [ITG Library: L.Q/23632]
- Shah S. The fever: how malaria has ruled humankind for 500.000 years. New York, Picador, 2011. 309 pp. [ITG Library: LF.D/23602]
- WHO Global Malaria Programme. World malaria report 2015. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2015. 246 pp. [ITG Library: LF.E/23669; Online]
M. Helminthology
- Evans H. Parasitic diseases: schistosomiasis. New Jersey, Foster Academics, 2015. 203 pp. [ITG Library: MH/23616]
- Xiao-Nong Zhou, Shi-Zhu Li, Utzinger J, Bergquist R. Schistosomiasis in The People’s Republic of China; from control to elimination. Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press, 2016. 502 pp. (Advances in Parasitology; 92). [ITG Library: MH.2/Periodicals]
P. Pathology. Hematology
- National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Cancer care in low resource areas; cancer prevention and early detection; workshop summary. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 119 pp. [ITG Library: PM/Online]
- McCann SR. A history of haematology; from Herodotus to HIV. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. 230 pp. (Oxford Medical Histories). [ITG Library: PY.D/23601]
- Munshi A. Inherited hemoglobin disorders. Rijeka, InTech, 2015. 194 pp. [ITG Library: PYB/Online]
R. Pharmacology and therapeutics
- WHO. The international pharmacopoeia; 5th ed., 2015 [CDROM]. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2015. [ITG Library: RJ/23665 BIB]
- WHO. The selection and use of essential medicines; report of the WHO Expert Committee, 2015 (including the 19th WHO model list of essential medicines and the 5th WHO model list of essential medicines for children). Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2015. 546 pp. (WHO Technical Report Series; 994). [ITG Library: RJ/Online; Periodicals]
- Bobbarala V. Concepts, compounds and the alternatives of antibacterials. Rijeka, InTech, 2015. 208 pp. [ITG Library: RN/Online]
- Glick HA, Doshi JA, Sonnad SS, Polsky D. Economic evaluation in clinical trials; 2nd ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014. 252 pp. (Handbooks in Health Economic Evaluation). [ITG Library: RNA/23579]
- Ravinetto R. Methodological and ethical challenges in non-commercial north-south collaborative clinical trials. Leuven, KU Leuven: Biomedical Sciences Group, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoltherapy; Antwerp: Institute of Tropical Medicine, Clinical Trials Unit, QUAMED project, 2016. 169 pp. (KU Leuven. Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia; 692). [ITG Library: RNA/23564]
- Ossiprandi MC. Antimicrobial resistance; an open challenge. Rijeka, InTech, 2015. 138 pp. [ITG Library: RNR/Online]
S. Hygiene. Public health
- Fox RC. Doctors Without Borders; humanitarian quests, impossible dreams of Médecins Sans Frontières. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. 316 pp. [ITG Library: SJA/23598]
- National Research Council. The future of nursing; leading change, advancing health. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2011. 700 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- Yamin AE. Power, suffering, and the struggle for dignity: human rights frameworks for health and why they matter. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015. 316 pp. (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights). [ITG Library: SO/23581]
- Baum F. The new public health; 4th ed. Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 2015. 750 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23562 PUBLIC]
- Marmot M. The health gap; the challenge of an unequal world. London, Bloomsbury, 2015. 387 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23593 PUBLIC]
- National Research Council. Transforming health care scheduling and access; getting to now. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2015. 154 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- Britnell M. In search of the perfect health system. London, Palgrave, 2015. 234 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23617 PUBLIC]
- National Research Council. The role of public-private partnerships in health systems strengthening. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 120 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- National Research Council. Global health risk framework; governance for global health; workshop summary. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 180 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- National Research Council. Global health risk framework; pandemic financing; workshop summary. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 120 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- National Research Council. Global health risk framework; resilient and sustainable health systems to respond to global infectious disease outbreaks; workshop summary. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 150 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- National Research Council. Global health risk framework; research and development of medical products; workshop summary. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2016. 140 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- Zimmerman RS, DiClemente RJ, Andrus JK, Hosein EN. Introduction to global health promotion. New York, John Wiley, 2016. 519 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23674]
- Skolnik R. Global health 101; 3rd ed. Burlington, MA, Jones & Bartlett, 2016. 576 pp. (Essential Public Health). [ITG Library: SO/23650]
- Dennill K, Rendall-Mkosi K. Primary health care in Southern Africa; a comprehensive approach; 3rd ed. Cape Town, Oxford University Press Southern Africa, 2012. 239 pp. [ITG Library: SO.1/23609]
- Ahmad A, Lalitha N. An institutional perspective on provision of primary health care in India and Bangladesh. New Delhi, Academic Foundation, 2013. 242 pp. [ITG Library: SO.2/23597]
- Smith KE, Hill SE, Bambra C. Health inequalities; critical perspectives. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015. 314 pp. [ITG Library: SO.3/23568]
- Spooner MH. Cuban health care: utopian dreams, fragile future. Lanham, Lexington Books, 2014. 140 pp. [ITG Library: SO.7/23596]
- Hanrieder T. International organization in time; fragmentation and reform. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015. 179 pp. [ITG Library: SOA/23555]
- Davies SE, Kamradt-Scott A, Rushton S. Disease diplomacy: international norms and global health security. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015. 179 pp. [ITG Library: SOA/23554]
- Drummond MF, Sculpher MJ, Torrance GW, O’Brien BJ, Stoddart GL. Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes; 4th ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015. 445 pp. [ITG Library: SOD/23567]
- Dewar DM. Essentials of health economics; 2nd ed. Burlington, MA, Jones & Bartlett, 2017. 189 pp. (Essential Public Health). [ITG Library: SOD/23673]
- 11th National Seminar on Travel Medicine; travel medicine seminar: 20 years later; Thursday 19 November 2015, Brussels, Belgium. [Brussels], [s.n.], 2015. div. pp. [ITG Library: SS/225433]
- Iserson KV. Improvised medicine; providing care in extreme environments; 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2016. 672 pp. [ITG Library: SS/23629]
U. Tropical medicine and other specialties
- Gyapong J, Boatin B. Neglected tropical diseases: sub-Saharan Africa. New York, Springer, 2015. 414 pp. (Neglected Tropical Diseases). [ITG Library: UB/23570]
- Franco-Paredes C, Santos-Preciado JI. Neglected tropical diseases; Latin America and the Caribbean. Vienna, Springer, 2015. 243 pp. (Neglected Tropical Diseases). [ITG Library: UB/23577]
- Samie A. An overview of tropical diseases. Rijeka, InTech, 2015. 210 pp. [ITG Library: UB/Online]
- McNeill JR. Mosquito empires; ecology and war in the greater Caribbean, 1620-1914. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010. 371 pp. (New Approaches to the Americas). [ITG Library: UBD/23648]
- Wald E. Vice in the barracks: medicine, the military and the making of colonial India, 1780-1868. Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina Press, 2014. 273 pp. (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series). [ITG Library: UBD/23604]
- Few M. For all humanity; Mesoamerican and colonial medicine in enlightenment Guatemala. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2015. 292 pp. [ITG Library: UBD/23613]
- Pundir J, Coomarasamy A. Obstetrics: evidence-based algorithms. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015. 337 pp. [ITG Library: UW/23634]
- WHO. Health worker roles in providing safe abortion care and post-abortion contraception. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2015. 81 pp. [ITG Library: UWI/23668; Online]
- Kimberlin DW, Brady MT, Jackson MA, Long SS. Red book 2015; report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases; 30th ed. Washington, DC, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 2015. 1151 pp. [ITG Library: UX/23552]
- Jackson MA, Myers AL. Pediatric infectious disease: Part II. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier, 2015. 182 pp. [597-778] (Infectious Disease Clinics of North America; 29(4)). [ITG Library: UX/Periodicals]
- Spector JM, Gibson TE. Atlas of pediatrics in the tropics and resource-limited settings; 2nd ed. Elk Grove Village, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 2016. 403 pp. [ITG Library: UX/23628]
Z. Geography. Anthropology. Sociologie. Economics
- Michel M. Refonder l’état au Congo-Kinshasa; pour stabiliser une nation à la dérive. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2016. 320 pp. (Collection Etudes Africaines). [ITG Library: ZB/23677 PUBLIC]
- Lleshi B. Liefde in tijden van angst. Berchem, EPO, 2016. 175 pp. [ITG Library: ZV0/23638 EDUC]
- Ceyssens R, Procyszyn B. La révolte de la force publique congolaise (1895); les papiers Albert Lapière au Musée de Tervuren. Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia – L’Harmattan, 2015. 255 pp. [ITG Library: ZVB/23565 PUBLIC]
- Van Genugten W. The World Bank Group, the IMF and human rights; a contextualised way forward. Cambridge, Intersentia Ltd, 2015. 101 pp. [ITG Library: ZVL/23556]
- Deaton A. The great escape: health, wealth, and the origins of inequality. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2015. 360 pp. [ITG Library: ZVO/23557]
- Breman J. On pauperism in present and past. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. 289 pp. [ITG Library: ZVO/23606 PUBLIC]
- Siedel G. Negotiating for success; essential strategies and skills. [s.l.], Van Rye Publishing, 2014. 153 pp. [ITG Library: ZVP/23635 EDUC]
- Lleshi B. De neoliberale strafstaat. Berchem, EPO, 2014. 319 pp. [ITG Library: ZVP/23637 EDUC]
- A. Reference
- B. Natural science. Statistics
- C. Internal medicine
- D. History of medicine
- E. Epidemiology. Demography
- F. Etiology
- G. Toxicology
- H. Immunology. Infectious diseases
- I. Mycology
- J. Microbiology, bacteriology
- K. Virology
- L. General parasitology. Protozoology
- M. Helminthology
- N. Entomology
- O. Disease transmission
- P. Pathology. Hematology
- Q. Clinical and laboratory medicine
- R. Pharmacology and therapeutics
- S. Hygiene. Public health
- T. Forensic medicine
- U. Tropical medicine and other specialties
- V. Surgery
- W. Dentistry
- X. Veterinary sciences
- Y. Agriculture
- Z. Geography. Anthropology. Sociologie. Economics