ITM Library Newsletter November 2017
The ITM library is once again proud to present to you a whole range of new digital biomedical content:
New E-journal content: Medline Complete: full-text of over 2,300 journals indexed in Medline / Pubmed (with 1 to 6 months embargo) fully integrated in our EDS discovery service at
Please note that EDS now also features an additional interface dedicated to mobile devices (smartphones, etc.) and fully integrates a number of in house produced databases such as the library catalog (books, e-books and dissertations), ITM publications, biomedical literature on Central Africa, Ebola & Marburg virus disease literature, and library & information science literature.
Dozens of new biomedical E-books, such as:
• Leber AL. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook; 4th ed. Washington, DC, ASM Press, 2016. 3 volumes.
• Loeffelholz MJ, Hodinka RL, Pinsky B, Young SA. Clinical virology manual; 5th ed. Washington, DC, ASM Press, 2016. 622 pp.
• Hayden RT, Wolk DM, Carroll KC, Tang Y-W. Diagnostic microbiology of the immunocompromised host; 2nd ed. Washington, DC, ASM Press, 2016. 794 pp.
• Masci JR, Bass ER. Ebola; clinical patterns, public health concerns. Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2018. 274 pp.
• Fong IW. Emerging zoonoses; a worldwide perspective. Cham, Springer, 2017. 250 pp. (Emerging Infectious Diseases of the 21st Century).
• Bouzif M. Examining the role of environmental change on emerging infectious diseases and pandemics. Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 2017. div. pp.
• Mphande FA. Infectious diseases and rural livelihood in developing countries. Singapore, Springer, 2016. 181 pp.
• Detrick B, Schmitz JL, Hamilton RG. Manual of molecular and clinical laboratory immunology; 8th ed. Washington, DC, ASM Press, 2016. 1240 pp.
• Hurst C. Modeling the transmission and prevention of infectious disease. Cham, Springer, 2017. 286 pp. (Advances in Environmental Microbiology; 4).
• Aragão MFVV. Zika in focus: postnatal clinical, laboratorial and radiological aspects. Cham, Springer, 2017. 156 pp.
• And many others …
Diagnostic tool: temporary trial for Gideon
Gideon is a vast global infectious diseases knowledge database for rapid and reliable diagnosis covering 300 diseases in 200 countries, offering comprehensive treatment options, including all antimicrobial agents, pathogens and vaccines”.
Visual diagnostic tool: temporary trial for Visual DX
VisualDX is “a diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety. VisualDx ensures fast, accurate diagnosis and safe decisions. Simply enter whatever information is available – visual clues, symptoms, patient history – to instantly build an image-based differential. Have confidence in diagnosis, make the right referrals, and admit patients only when necessary”.
Bibliographic information retrieval: CABI Direct subscription
This is a permanent biomedical database subscription: over 12 million records from the higly acclaimed CABI databases, including Global Health, providing an important complement to e.g. PubMed searches for tropical medicine and parasitology literature.
Fully free in house document delivery service
From now on the library’s highly appreciated DocDel service for individual articles is fully free for all items available in our own collection.
Major ITM library contacts
DocDel services are handled mainly by Lies Mertens. Noor Goemaere is your chief contact for all matters relating to PURE. Kris Didden focuses on the various institutional archives. Dirk Schoonbaert remains your contact for collection development: books, journals and databases.
We are looking forward to receiving your feedback at and hoping you will contribute massively to our upcoming user questionnaire to help us further improve our library services.
Do enjoy lots of searching and reading,
Your Library Team