ITM Library Newsletter February 2019
In 2019 the ITM library continues to offer you more of the same, i.e. access to the biomedical literature resources available last year, but with ever increasing numbers of e-journals and e-books, most of which fully integrated into one platform:
Ebsco Discovery Service (EDS)
• EDS includes a number of major databases and collections like Medline Complete, (a large part of) Science Direct, DOAJ, OpenAIRE, Ebsco E-book Clinical Collection, and since recently also CABI Global Health.
• EDS also integrates a number of ITM Library Collections like:
o Full catalog of 30,000 library (e-)books, incl. links to over 4,000 digitally available items;
o Full database of over 17,000 ITM researchers’ publications;
o Complete database of 3,000 ITM students’ master theses, all with digital full-text;
o The full historical collection of the Annales de la Société Belge de Médecine Tropicale, ITM’s flagship from 1920-1995, all 4,400 records with free PDF links;
o Comprehensive database of 6,000 Ebola and Marburg Virus literature;
o Selection of 10,000 records on endemic disease control in developing countries;
o Selection of 10,000 records on health care organization in developing countries;
o Selection of 8,000 records on information science focusing on topics such as biomedical literature, authorship, bibliometrics, librarianship, … (no PDF links);
This ITM Library Collections subset is updated monthly. Use the set of limiters in the left margin of the results screen to focus your research. Remember that default sorting is by ‘relevance ranking’ but that you can easily switch to (inverse) chronological order. Most – but not all – post-year 2000 items will link to full-text PDFs.
Other useful EDS features include:
• Comfortable access to full text access when available. Downloadable PDFs are optimized by the large coverage of MedLine Complete. A new option is the UnPayWall link offering access to tens of millions of open access articles;
• Article level PlumX indications for analyzing impact in social media;
• Full integration with BrowZine, offering you the opportunity to browse to the full issue in which a retrieved article is published;
• Specially adapted for viewing on mobile media.