ITM Library Newsletter 2017
For the new year, the ITM library – alive and kicking – is once more proud to present to you a whole range of new (mostly digital) biomedical literature:
Elsevier/Science Direct
Over 2,300 Elsevier journals, incl. the 30 individual Elsevier subscriptions we already had in previous years. You can check this out at or (highly selective) at
Some examples:
- Advances in Immunology ;
- Advances in Parasitology ;
- Advances in Virus Research ;
- American Journal of Infection Control ;
- Annals of Epidemiology ;
- Antiviral Research ;
- Clinical Microbiology Newsletter ;
- Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease ;
- Health Policy ;
- Infectious Clinics of North America ;
- International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents ;
- Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ;
- Journal of Clinical Virology ;
- Journal of Health Economics ;
- Journal of Immunological Methods ;
- Journal of Microbiological Methods ;
- Journal of Pediatrics ;
- Journal of Virological Methods ;
- Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology ;
- Parasitology International ;
- Public Health ;
- Social Science Research
- Trends in Immunology ;
- Trends in Microbiology ;
- Virology ;
- World Development ;
- …
Over 4,600 Elsevier e-books. You can check this out at or (partially) for overviews and links. See also the ‘New Books’ section below.
Nature Complete (first introduced in 2016)
The full content – including archives – of 80 Nature Publishing Group (NPG) journals.
These include:
- Nature (from 1869 onwards);
- 20 Nature research journals: Nature Medicine, Nature Immunology, Nature Genetics, Nature Microbiology. , etc
- 16 Nature review journals: Nature Reviews Microbiology, Nature Reviews Immunology, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, etc.
- Over 40 additional NPG journals: Cell Research, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal of Antibiotics, Journal of Human Genetics, Laboratory Investigation, Modern Pathology, Scientific American (way back to 1845), …
You can check this out at or (partially) at for overview and links.
Increased shift towards E-only
An ever larger portion of our journal subscriptions have now shifted from print+online to online-only.
These include:
- All Elsevier journals (cf. above), incl. The Lancet & The Lancet Infectious Diseases;
- All Nature journals (cf. above) ;
- JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association ;
- NEJM – New England Journal of Medicine ;
- Trends in Parasitology.
Temporary access problems resolved
Last December we experienced access problems to journals and databases from several providers (e.g. UpToDate). Apparently this was caused mainly by a major upgrade of institutional ITM computer network addresses (IP). Most of our providers have now adapted to this changed situation. Should you still encounter such access problems, please let us know. Also remember that you can access library collections from outside ITM by simply logging into using your personal ITM account.
Discontinued subscriptions
As a necessary result of the library acquisitions budget reduction, a number of titles needed to be cancelled. As a major selection criterion we compared price/usage ratios. Cancellations include:
• AIDS Education and Prevention ;
• Annual Review of Biochemistry ;
• Antiviral Therapy ;
• BioOne Complete ;
• Biometrics ;
• Clinical & Experimental Immunology ;
• Family Practice ;
• HIV Clinical Trials ;
• Immunology ;
• International Journal of Quality in Health Care ;
• Journal of Experimental Medicine ;
• Journal of Nutrition.
Document delivery (‘DocDel’)
The library continues its highly appreciated DocDel service for individual articles at a price of € 0.15/page (in-house, owned or subscribed-to items) and € 5.00/article (items not readily available in our collections, but purchased from partner libraries and other external providers).
Requests for articles from recently cancelled journals (cf. above) can still be requested from our DocDel service at reduced internal prices (€ 0.15/page) instead of interlibrary purchase prices (€ 5.00/article).
CABI Direct
This is a new biomedical database subscription: over 11 million records from the CABI databases, including Global Health, providing an important complement to e.g. PubMed searches for tropical medicine and parasitology literature.
ERL databases produced by the ITM Library
These have been fully updated at the start of this month. These databases remain available for searching, but because of shifted library activity priorities several of these bibliographic databases will no longer be updated from 2017 onwards: ITG Staff Publications (meanwhile succeeded by PURE); Ebola and Marburg Virus Disease Literature (covering 5 decades of filovirus literature (1967-2016) but it is no longer feasible to exhaustively cover the vastly increased literature); Tropical Endemic Diseases Control; Health Care in Developing Countries.
PlumX Metrics
PlumX Metrics displays – for a large amount of published papers – a selection of alternative metrics, such as numbers of abstract views, html full-text views, clicks, linkouts, exports, readers, shares, likes, comments, blog mentions, news mentions, tweets, … Such metrics are rather less structured than traditional citation analysis, but can be useful to see what kinds of influences your papers generate. PlumX is now integrated within our EDS, ITM’s Discovery Service.
May we also remind you of the availability of “BrowZine”, the comprehensive web-based table of contents alerting service for literally thousands of biomedical journals, both ITM subscribed-to and open access titles. ITM patrons can browse these titles on the fly, or create their own free account and construct their personal bookshelf consisting of up to 64 journals to browse regularly for new content. BrowZine automatically keeps count of read and unread journal issues and links directly to the full-text PDF’s of clicked-on articles. A practical guide is available at
New (e)Books
Hundreds of new e-Books from Books@Ovid, Ebsco Clinical Collection & MyiLibrary and especially the new Elsevier e-books collection.
Some examples:
- Liang BC. Managing and leading for science professionals (what I wish I’d known while moving up the management ladder). Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2014. 158 pp. [ITG Library: B/Online]
- Reinhart A. Statistics done wrong: the woefully complete guide. San Francisco, No Starch Press, 2015. 152 pp. [ITG Library: BBM/23728]
- Bradshaw RA, Stahl PD. Encyclopedia of cell biology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 4 volumes. [ITG Library: BJC/Online]
- Holland S. Public health ethics; 2nd ed. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2015. 276 pp. [ITG Library: CBE/23680]
- McNeil DG. Zika; the emerging epidemic. New York, W.W. Norton, 2016. 203 pp. [ITG Library: EA/23718]
- Ratcliffe MJH. Encyclopedia of immunobiology. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 5 volumes. [ITG Library: H/Online]
- Bloom BR, Lambert P-H. The vaccine book; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 622 pp. [ITG Library: HI/Online]
- Cohen J, Powderly WG, Opal SM. Infectious diseases; 4th ed. Edinburgh, Mosby Elsevier, 2017. 2 volumes; 1779 + 176 pp. (Expert Consult). [ITG Library: HW/23700]
- Tang Y-W, Sussman M, Liu D, Poxton I, Schartzman J. Molecular medical microbiology; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2015. 2145 pp. [ITG Library: J/Online]
- Procopp GW, Chuche DL, Hall GS, Janda WM, Koneman EW, Schreckenberger PC, Woods GL. Koneman’s color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology; 7th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2017. 1606 + 218 pp. [ITG Library: J/23715]
- Crawford DH. Ebola: profile of a killer virus. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. 204 pp. [ITG Library: KPH/23750]
- Holland C. Ascaris; the neglected parasite. London, Academic Press, 2013. 439 pp. [ITG Library: MQ/23694]
- Raikhel AS. Progress in mosquito research. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 450 pp. (Advances in Insect Physiology; 51). [ITG Library: NO/Online]
- Patrinos GP, Danielson PB, Ansorge WB. Molecular diagnostics; 3rd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 506 pp. [ITG Library: Q/Online]
- Robertson D, Williams GH. Clinical and translational science; principles of human research; 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 788 pp. [ITG Library: QA/Online]
- Aronson JK. Meyler’s side effects of drugs; the international encyclopedia of adverse drug reactions and interactions; 16th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 612 pp. [ITG Library: RJ/Online]
- Laplante K, Cunha C, Morrill H, Rice L, Mylonakis E. Antimicrobial stewardship, principles and practics. Wallingford, CABI, 2016. 431 pp. [ITG Library: RNR/23795]
- Bourdillon F, Brücker G, Tabuteau D. Traité de santé publique; 3e éd. Paris, Lavoisier Médecine, 2016. 716 pp. [ITG Library: SO/23778]
- Quah SR, Cockerham WC. International encyclopedia of public health. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2017. 510 pp. [ITG Library: SO/Online]
- Culyer AJ. Encyclopedia of health economics. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013. 501 pp. [ITG Library: SOD/Online]
- Auerbach PS, Cushing TA, Harris NS. Auerbach’s wilderness medicine; 7th ed. Phildadelphia, Elsevier, 2016. 2 volumes; 2631 pp. [ITG Library: SS/23796]
- MacLachlan NJ, Dubovi EJ, Bartholt SW, Swayne DF, Winton JF. Fenner’s veterinary virology; 5th ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016. 581 pp. [ITG Library: XK/Online]
- Bardosh K. One health; science, politics and zoonotic disease in Africa. London, Earthscan, 2016. 239 pp. (Pathways to Sustainability). [ITG Library: XO/23793]
The new Acquisitions List July-December 2016 presents a selection of some 300 titles (print + online) added to our books collection during the last 6 months.
ITM library contacts and responsibilities
As from mid-2016 Kris Didden focuses almost exclusively on the institutional archives. Noor Goemaere is now your chief contact for all matters relating to PURE and quality assurance. DocDel services are handled by Nele Verstraeten and Christina van Dijk. Dirk Schoonbaert remains your contact for general library policy issues, purchases and subscriptions (books, journals and databases) and the institutional TMCA open access repository (‘DSpace‘).
We look forward to receiving your feedback at
Do enjoy lots of searching and reading,