ITM Library Newsletter 2014
New ITM Library Website
The ITM Library website has received a major make-over, with a fresh look and feel in a new 5 by 6 matrix structure, page-specific hotlinks and a website-wide search box. Currently co-exists with but soon – when all secondary pages are converted in style and the last few bugs eliminated – the new library website will replace the old one at the familiar URL.
New e-Journal Subscriptions for 2014
- Anthropology and Medicine (Taylor & Francis)
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care (Oxford University Press)
- Journal of Mixed Methods Research (Sage)
- Journal of Nutrition (American Society of Nutrition)
- Nature (Nature Publishing Group)
- Social Science and Medicine (Elsevier ScienceDirect)
!! Please remember that you can access the library resources also from outside the ITM campuses via the E-Library login for ITM staff and students, using your personal ITM account!!
New Clinical e-Books Collection from EbscoHost
ITM subscribes to the full digital editions of over 2,000 clinical books. This collection is also fully integrated in ITM Library Discovery Service, making all ITG’s books, journals and databases searchable from one platform. Check the new acquisitions list for a selection of individual e-book titles. Together with a.o. SpringerLink, Ovid Books, Myilibrary, Expert Consult and several open access series, this collection offers ITM online access to over 6,000 e-books.
Some examples of recently acquired e-books:
- Manguin S. Anopheles mosquitoes; new insights into malaria vectors. Rijeka, InTech, 2013. 813 pp. (including ITM contributions)
- Stone SE, Anderson BA. Best practices in midwifery: using the evidence to implement change. New York, Springer, 2013. 263 pp.
- Singh A. Case-based neurology. New York, Demos Medical, 2012. 378 pp.
- Melbourne EL. Cholera; symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2011. 206 pp. (Public Health in the 21st Century; Tropical Diseases. Etiology, Pathogenesis and Treatments).
- Shih C. Chronic hepatitis B and C; basic science to clinical applications. Singapore, World Scientific, 2013. 396 pp.
- Stratton CW. Clinical microbiology: quality in laboratory diagnosis. New York, Demos Medical Publishers, 2012. 151 pp. (Diagnostic Standards of Care Series).
- Cavalieri RJ, Rupp ME. Clinical research manual; practical tools and templates for managing clinical research. Indianapolis, Sigma Theta Tau International, 2013. 266 pp.
- Saxena SK. Current perspectives in HIV infection. Rijeka, InTech, 2013. 469 pp.
- Rodriguez-Morales AJ. Current topics in public health. Rijeka, InTech, 2013. 732 pp.
- Cochi SL, Dowdle WR. Disease eradication in the 21st century: implications for global health. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2011. 320 pp. (Strüngmann Forum Reports).
- K’ung Z, Nguy S. Drug-resistant tuberculosis: causes, diagnosis, and treatment. New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2011. 328 pp. (Virology Research Progress Series).
- Gillam S, Yates J, Badrinath P. Essential public health. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012. 352 pp.
- Wright WF. Essentials of clinical infectious diseases. New York, Demos Medical, 2013. 384 pp.
- Wall AE. Ethics for international medicine; a practical guide for aid workers in developing countries. Hannover, NH, Dartmouth College Press, 2012. 177 pp.
- Maibach HI, Gorouhi F. Evidence-based dermatology; 2nd ed. Chelton, CT, People’s Medical Publishing House USA, 2011. 1117 pp.
- Almgren G. Health care politics, policy, and services: a social justice analysis; 2nd ed. New York, Springer, 2012. 416 pp.
- Bettany-Saltikov J. How to do a systematic literature review in nursing. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill Education, 2012. 179 pp.
- Vanden Broeck D. Human papillomavirus and related diseases; from bench to bedside; a diagnostic and preventive perspective. Rijeka, InTech, 2013. 325 pp.
- Adelman DC, Casale TB, Corren J. Manual of allergy and immunology; 5th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW), 2012. 473 pp.
- Kessler HH. Molecular diagnostics of infectious disease; 2nd rev ed. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2012. 204 pp.
- Kishore U. Neurodegenerative diseases. Rijeka, InTech, 2013. 628 pp.
- Lewis SL. Neurological disorders due to systemic disease. New York, Wiley, 2013. 304 pp.
- Kayembe J-M. Oncogenesis, inflammatory and parasitic tropical diseases of the lung. Rijeka, InTech, 2013. 157 pp.
- McGuire RA, Coelho PRP. Parasites, pathogens, and progress; diseases and economic development. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2011. 344 pp.
- Hawkey CJ, Bosch J, Garcia-Tsao G, Chan FKL. Textbook of clinical gastroenterology and hepatology; 2nd ed. New York, Wiley, 2012. 1272 pp.
- Russo J. The tools of science: the handbook for the apprentice of biomedical research. Singapore, World Scientific, 2011. 218 pp.
- Mahboub BH, Vats MG. Tuberculosis; current issues in diagnosis and management. Rijeka, InTech, 2013. 489 pp.
- Abraham C, Kools M. Writing health communication; an evidence-based guide. London, Sage, 2012. 184 pp.
Complete ITM Library Books Catalog integrated in our Discovery Service
The ITM Library Discovery Service covers virtually all the published biomedical literature available to ITM patrons, both in open access and subscribed to. It encompasses dozens of external databases and e-journal collections, featuring many millions of research articles. Recently also the complete ITM books catalog (over 28,000 titles) was integrated so that all our print and e-books can be found – either as part of our complete information universe, or separately, using the ‘ITM Library Books’ limiter. As with the new library website, please grant the Discovery Service a few more weeks for further finetuning, especially for online availability indicators such as LinkSource.
New Look for TropMed Central Antwerp
Built on the latest DSpace 3 platform, TropMed Central Antwerp, ITM’s institutional open access repository, now lists over 6,500 publications authored by ITM researchers, from the year 1990 up till now.
Due to publishers’ legal copyright restrictions, so far only about 30% of these contain a publicly available full text PDF. We are continually improving this full-text ratio by collecting authors’ preprints, which are generally not subject to such open access distribution limitations.
How to enhance your international visibility: ITM authors are warmly invited to send us both their final MS-Word versions and the published PDF of your new publications to We shall then put the appropriate version in TropMed Central Antwerp for you. Please also supply any remaining missing preprints of older publications.
Please also keep in mind that within the ITM site the large majority of post year 2000 full text PDF’s is available from within the ITM Staff Publications database. This database is also linked with the ITM website for the automatic creation of publication lists on your personal webpages.