ITM Library Newsletter 2012
e-Journals and e-Books in Cebam Digital Library for Health
Since 2011 the ITM Library licences a large electronic journal package via Cebam, the Belgian Evidence-based Medicine Center. This rich and diverse collection includes a.o.:
- 700 additional Elsevier journals, including e.g. Social Science and Medicine and Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
- 350 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins journals, including e.g. Academic Medicine and Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases.
- 1,000 SpringerLink biomedical, life sciences, and medicine journals, including e.g. Archives of Virology and Current Microbiology.
- Over 4,000 Ebrary e-books.
- Lots of evidence-based medicine content, including BMJ Clinical Evidence and other European guidelines.
- Several pharmacopoeias (via MicroMedex).
Unlike most of our current subscriptions the Cebam Digital Library for Health does not feature automatic IP recognition, but requires login accounts. These – grouped per ITM unit – can be obtained from the library at
The following journal packages are also available to ITM:
- Wiley journals: online access to over 1,200 scientific journals, with archives reaching back to 1997. These include biomedical titles such as Journal of Medical Virology and Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, but also a substantial number of humanities and social science journals, including International Social Science Journal or British Journal of Sociology. Also economics, management, psychology, education, nursing, informatics and information science are well represented. You can find the full list of e-journals at Wiley2010.pdf. A selection of individual titles is integrated within the library’s e-journals list.
- Mary Ann Liebert journals: online access to 60 scientific journals, with archives back to their first volume, often stretching over 20 years and more. These include long established titles such as AIDS Patient Care and STDs and Viral Immunology, but also e.g. High Altitude Medicine & Biology and Telemedicine and e-Health.
- Medline with FullText (via EbscoHost): online access to 1,500 journals covered by PubMed/Medline. Take care though: many have a full-text embargo of 6 to 12 months.
- The major multidisciplinary journal Science is now also available online.
You can also access the library resources from outside the ITM campuses via E-Library login for ITM staff and students, using your personal ITM account.
While e-journals have been outshining the traditional printed editions for over 10 years now, until recently e-books were relatively rare in our collection. Since 2010 the ITM Library has acquired a substantial number of digital books, either on a title per title purchase base, or as part of large e-book package deals such as SpringerLink or Ebrary.
- Academic medicine: a guide for clinicians.
- Achieving excellence in biomedical education.
- Adverse drug reactions.
- An introduction to epidemiology for health professionals.
- Antibiotic policies; theory and practice.
- Antimicrobial drug resistance.
- Antimicrobial resistance in developing countries.
- Antiviral strategies.
- Applied bioinformatics; an introduction.
- Atlas of clinical hematology.
- Avian influenza and Newcastle Disease.
- Bacterial genomes and infectious disease.
- Bacterial infections of humans: epidemiology and control.
- Bacterial physiology; a molecular approach.
- Beyond anthrax; the weaponization of infectious disease.
- Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology.
- Biostatistics and microbiology; a survival manual.
- Bioterrorism and infectious agents; a new dilemma for the 21st century.
- Bridging laboratory and field research for genetic control of disease vectors.
- Cardiovascular disease in AIDS.
- Case studies in ethics and HIV research.
- Cholera toxins.
- Circumcision and human rights.
- Clinical hepatology; principles and practice of hepatobilary diseases.
- Comparative hepatitis.
- Dale and Hammar’s pulmonary pathology.
- Dendritic cells.
- Dengue virus.
- Diagnostic hematology.
- Diagnosis and treatment of human mycoses.
- Disease in wild animals; investigation and management.
- Emerging infections in Asia.
- Encyclopedia of genetics, genomics, proteomics and informatics.
- Encyclopedia of molecular mechanisms of disease.
- Encyclopedia of parasitology.
- Encyclopedia of public health.
- Epidemiology and the delivery of health care services; methods and applications.
- Essentials of clinical research.
- Evidence-based medical ethics; cases for practice-based learning.
- Filoviridiae: the Marburgviruses and Ebolaviruses.
- Handbook of bioterrorism and disaster medicine.
- HIV/AIDS in South Africa 25 years on; psychosocial perspectives.
- HIV and the brain.
- HIV interactions with host cell proteins.
- Immunology and immunopathogenesis of malaria.
- Infectious diseases and arthropods.
- Malaria drugs, disease and post genome biology.
- Measles pathogenesis and control.
- Molecular diagnostics: promises and possibilities.
- Mosquito ecology.
- Mosquitoes and their control.
- New and evolving viruses of the 21st century.
- New drug development; an introduction to clinical trials.
- PCR for clinical microbiology.
- Pediatric infectious diseases revisited.
- Principles of molecular medicine.
- The prokaryotes (7 volumes).
- Sexually transmitted diseases in clinical practice.
- Sourcebook of models for biomedical research.
- Understanding the global dimensions of health.
- Vector biology, ecology and control.
- Wildlife and emerging zoonotic diseases.
… and many hundreds more.
- The African trypanosomes.
- Coming to grips with malaria in the new millenium.
- Conquest of malaria: Italy, 1900-1962.
- The filaria.
- Gender and HIV/AIDS.
- Good practices in health financing: lessons from reforms in low and middle income countries.
- HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in Central Asia: country profiles.
- Improving health service delivery in developing countries: from evidence to action.
- An introduction to health planning for developing health systems.
- Investing in strategies to reverse the global incidence of TB.
- Malaria: a hematological perspective.
- Malaria: molecular and clinical aspects.
- Malaria and poverty in Africa
- War and disease: biomedical research on malaria in the twentieth century.
- Working in health: finance and management of public health sector workers.
- AIDS: taking a long-term view.
- Balancing public and private health care systems; the sub-Saharan African experience.
- Behavioral interventions for prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases.
- Clinical and diagnostic virology.
- Clinical immunology and serology; a laboratory perspective.
- Dengue fever and other hemorrhagic viruses.
- Desk encyclopedia of human and medical virology.
- District laboratory practice in tropical countries.
- Emergence and re-emergence infectious diseases; a geographical analysis.
- Emerging infections: an atlas of investigation and management.
- Epidemiology and the people’s health; theory and context.
- Epidemiology foundations; the science of public health.
- Ethics in health services and policy; a global approach.
- Evidence-based infectious diseases.
- Global health and global health ethics.
- Harrison’s principles of internal medicine.
- Health care research; a handbook for students and practitioners.
- Health policy in a globalizing world.
- Health systems, policy, finance, and organization.
- Holmes’ sexually transmitted diseases.
- Imaging of parasitic diseases.
- Infectious diseases: a geographical analysis; emergence and re-emergence.
- Innovation in global health governance: critical cases.
- International health and aid policies; the need for alternatives.
- An introduction to geographical information systems.
- An introduction to quality assurance in health care.
- Making health policy.
- Maternal and infant deaths; chasing Millennium Developmnet Goals 4 and 5.
- Medical microbiology: the big picture.
- Medical and veterinary entomology.
- Molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases.
- Origin and evolution of viruses.
- Parasites and infectious disease: key discoveries in parasitology.
- Partnerships and foundations in global health governance.
- The person with HIV: nursing perspectives.
- Price of global health; drug pricing strategies to balance patient access and the funding of innovation.
- Primary health care: people, practice, place: geographies of health.
- Public health and infectious diseases.
- Public health foundations: concepts and practices.
- Removing the barriers to global health equity.
- Textbook of veterinary virology.
- Tropical diseases in travelers.
- Tropical medicine: an illustrated history of the pioneers.
- The trypanosomiases.
- Viruses, plagues, and history; past, present, and future.
- War and disease; biomedical research on malaria in the twentieth century.
- When there is no doctor.
- Zoonoses.
… and many more.
- Antibiotics and chemotherapy.
- Atlas of clinical neurology.
- Atlas of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.
- Clinical dermatology.
- Clinical immunology; principles and practice.
- Clinical respiratory medicine.
- Conn’s current therapy.
- Diagnostic gynaecologic and obstetric pathology.
- Diagnostic pathology of infectious disease.
- Endocrinology; adult and pediatric.
- Feigin and Cherry’s textbook of pediatric infectious diseases.
- Hematology; basic principles and practice.
- Infectious diseases.
- Infectious diseases of the fetus and newborn infant.
- Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s principles and practice of infectious diseases.
- Manson’s tropical diseases.
- Nelson textbook on pediatrics.
- Ophthalmology.
- Pediatric critical care.
- Practical hepatic pathology; a diagnostic approach.
- Sleisenger and Fordtran’s gastrointestinal and liver disease.
- Textbook of critical care.
- Travel medicine.
- Tropical infectious diseases; principles, pathogens and practice.
- Vaccines.
- Wilderness medicine.
… and several to follow.
Links and access codes can be found on the ITM Intranet. Please take into account that this platform allows for only one single user at the time, temporarily blocking potential additional users.
- AIDS and tuberculosis; a deadly liaison.
- Bioinformatics and functional genomics.
- Clinical epidemiology.
- Clinical research: from proposal to implementation.
- Danforth’s obstetrics and gynecology.
- Diabetes management in the primary care setting.
- Essentials of epidemiology in public health.
- Genital dermatology atlas.
- Handbook of dermatology; a practical manual.
- Infectious diseases of the skin.
- Lippincott’s guide to infectious diseases.
- Modern epidemiology.
- Molecular hematology.
- Oxford handbook of tropical medicine.
- Publishing and presenting clinical research.
… and several others.
- Bookshelf (NCBI).
- FreeBooks4Doctors (Bernd Sebastian Kamps).
- Free Online Medical Books (
- Google Book Search.
- (Michael P. D’Alessandro).
- MitOpenCourseWare (MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
The most useful of these e-book titles have been included in the ITM library catalog, so it’s well worth to check this catalog regularly. For a full survey of available e-books you will need to check the different collections listings.
On the recent acquisitions page you will find weekly and cumulated semestrial surveys of new books in the library collection. You’ll find the most recent one at Bulletin 113, also including a selection of recently acquired e-books. If you’d like to receive free weekly contents pages of our new books, please contact us at
OvidMD trial
ITM currently has a 30 days free trial of the OvidMD clinical information portal. This portal integrates all our subscribed to Ovid content plus a number of additional resources:
- Ovid Medline (cf. PubMed).
- All Ovid e-journals, e-books and databases subscribed to by ITM.
- 11 Current Opinion journals, incl. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases, Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Current Opinion in Pediatrics, etc.
- Evidence-Based Guidelines on diagnosis, disease management and drug therapy.
- Patient handouts from UpToDate and RelayHealth.
- A to Z Drug Facts.
If you’d like to continue using this resource, please send us your feedback before the end of February.
Reference Manager Web Publisher
Next to ITM’s familiar WebSpirs (and WinSpirs) database retrieval platform, the 12 ITM Library databases are also available in the popular Reference Manager format.
Advantages include the weekly database updates and the possibility to directly import our records into your own Reference Manager databases, allowing you all versatile RefMan options of record formating and automatic bibliography generation. The sort and display options in the freely accessible Reference Manager Web Publisher module, however, are rather limited, yet beyond our control.
As far as search strategy is concerned, it is generally advisable to start in the ‘advanced mode’ and to select just one database at the time. It is recommended to use truncation (‘*’), especially when searching ‘indexed fields’ such as authors or keywords. For more information, just click here.
TropMed Central Antwerp – ITM’s open access repository
TropMed Central Antwerp, ITM’s institutional open access repository, now lists over 5,600 publications authored by ITM researchers, from the year 1990 till the present. Please note that the new departmental structure is applied from publication year 2012 onwards.
Due to publishers’ legal copyright restrictions, so far only about 30% of these contain a publicly available full text PDF. We are continually improving this full-text ratio by collecting authors’ preprints, which are generally not subject to such open access distribution limitations.
How to enhance your international visibility: ITM authors are warmly invited to send us both their final MS-Word versions and the published PDF to We shall then put the appropriate version in TropMed Central Antwerp for you. Please also supply any remaining missing preprints of older publications.
Please also keep in mind that within the ITM site the large majority of post-2000 full text PDF’s is available from within the ITM Staff Publications database. This database is also linked with the ITM website for automatic creation of publication lists on your personal webpages.
Please note that there will be an ITM Seminar on February 16 (13h15) onOnline access to electronic journals, e-books and databases – what is currently available from within the ITM network?