ITM Library Newsletter 2010
New journals from Wiley, Liebert and Medline
The ITM Library has recently licenced a number of large electronic journal packages:
- Wiley-Blackwell journals: online access to over 1,200 scientific journals, with archives back to 1997. These include previously unsubscribed biomedical titles such as Journal of Medical Virology or Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, but also a substantial number of humanities and social science journals including International Social Science Journal or British Journal of Sociology. Also economics, management, psychology, education, nursing, informatics and information science are well represented. You can find the full list of journals included at Wiley2010.pdf. This subscription is active for the period 2010-2011.
- Mary Ann Liebert journals: online access to 60 scientific journals with archives back to their first volume, often stretching over 20 years and more. These include long established titles such as AIDS Patient Care and STDs or Viral Immunology, but also e.g. High Altitude Medicine & Biology and Telemedicine and e-Health. This subscription is active for the period 2010-2012.
- Medline with FullText (via EbscoHost): online access to 1,500 journals covered by PubMed/Medline. Take care though: many have a full-text embargo of 6 to 12 months.
New electronic books: MyiLibrary
Following the recent trial with the large ebook platform MyiLibrary, the ITM Library has acquired a selection of ebooks, including Harrison’s Internal Medicine and Holmes’ Sexually Transmitted Diseases. With thousands of new ebook releases available on the MyiLibrary platform every month, the ITM Library selection is expected to expand quickly.
Apart from this platform, a number of essential Elsevier books are available via ExpertConsult: e.g. Mandell’s infectious diseases and Manson’s tropical diseases. Links and access codes can be found on the ITM Intranet. Please take into account that this platform allows only one single user at the time, temporarily blocking potential additional users.
The ITM Library website also links to a selection of eBooks freely available on the internet. On the recent acquisitions page you will find weekly and cumulated semestrial surveys of new books in the library collection.
Reference Manager Web Publisher – our new ITM databases interface
Next to ITM’s familiar WebSpirs and WinSpirs database retrieval platform, the ITM Library databases are now also available in the popular Reference Manager format. Comparative advantages are the weekly database updates and the possibility to directly import our records into your own Reference Manager database system, allowing you all versatile RefMan options of record formating and automatic bibliography generation. The sort and display options in the freely accessible Reference Manager Web Publisher module, however, are rather basic, yet beyond our control.
As far as search strategy is concerned, it is generally best to start in the ‘advanced mode’ and to select one specific database at the time. It is recommended to use truncation (‘*’), especially when searching ‘indexed fields’ such as authors or keywords. For more information, check the Help module.
TropMed Central Antwerp – ITM’s open access repository
TropMed Central Antwerp, ITM’s institutional open access repository, now features over 2,600 publications authored by ITM researchers, from the year 2000 till the present. Due to publishers’ copyright limitations, so far only about 30% of these contain a publicly available full text PDF. We are continually improving this full-text ratio by collecting authors’ preprints, which are generally not subject to such open access distribution limits. Coverage of ITM content is expected to double this spring, as the publication years 1990-1999 will then be added retrospectively.
How to enhance your international visibility: ITM authors are warmly invited to supply any remaining missing preprints – so please from now on don’t discard the final MS-Word versions of your papers, as these will in many cases turn out be the versions that will be used to highlight and distribute your publications to the outside world via TropMed Central Antwerp.
Please also keep in mind that within the ITM site the large majority of post-2000 full text PDF’s is available from within the ITM Staff Publications database.
Update on the library staff
After 23 years of dedicated service, Veerle Demedts has now retired from ITM. Kris Didden succeeds Veerle as assistant-librarian. Document delivery and other user services are handled by Noor Goemaere, Els Mannaerts, and (soon) our new colleague Nele Verstraeten.