ITM Library – Annual Report 2016
Mid-2016 the library changed position in ITM’s organogram. After 10 years of being part of the director’s services we moved on to the support services headed by general manager Jean-Christophe Donck. Assistant librarian Kris Didden now focuses almost exclusively on organizing the institutional archives. Bibliographic validation of the PURE publications module is now managed by library assistant Noor Goemaere. Reception, document delivery and bibliographic databases maintenance remain in care of her colleagues Nele Verstraete and Christina Van Dijk. The in house TOCAS alerting service was replaced by the far more comprehensive BrowZine platform. Altmetrics made their first appearance in our EDS discovery service in the shape of PlumX. Librarian Dirk Schoonbaert negociated far larger online collections (publicly available as of January 2017) and made a short working visit to our DGD Framework Cuban partner’s libraries at INHEM and ITMPK. Clément Montagne from the library school of the Haute Ecole Paul-Henri Spaak was our trainee for 5 weeks.
Dirk Schoonbaert
2016 in Numbers
Books | |
Acquisitions | 444 |
– Purchased | 225 |
– Purchased e-books | 14 |
– Donated | 34 |
– Retrospectively cataloged older books | 171 |
Total Number of Print Books | 24050 |
Total Number of Individual e-Books * | 2520 |
Total Number of e-Books in Packages ** | ca. 6800 |
Total Number of CD-ROMs | 356 |
Total Number of Videos | 382 |
Total Number of ITM Dissertations | 3165 |
– Total Number of Digital Master Theses | 2358 |
Total Number of PhD Theses in Collection | 1113 |
– Total Number of Digital PhD Theses | 103 |
Journals | |
Print Subscriptions | 290 |
– Volumes Bound in 2016 | 243 |
– Total Number of Volumes | ca. 37400 |
Online Subscriptions | ca. 3000 |
Online Package Subscriptions | 5 |
Free Open Access Journals (DOAJ) | 9500 |
Databases | |
Electronic Reference Library (ERL) | |
– Number of ERL Databases | 12 |
– ITG Staff Publications: Number of Records | 16312 |
– TropMed Central Antwerp: Number of Records | 7785 |
– ERL Login Sessions | ca. 2500 |
– ERL Database Logins | ca. 8000 |
– ISI Web of Knwoldege Sessions | 2662 |
Other Database Subscriptions | 3 |
Major Free Online Databases | 5 |
Document Delivery | |
Internal Requests | ca. 4000 |
Incoming Requests | 351 |
Outgoing Requests | 799 |
Success Rate | 95.1% |
DGDC Framework Requests | 216 |
Success Rate | 95.4% |
Photocopies & Prints | 22895 |
* Individual e-books in the library catalog, excl. open access e-books from e.g. WHO or NCBI
** SpringerLink medical and biomedical collections 2005-2010 and Ebsco Clinical Collection