Master & PhD Dissertations
Master dissertations
The library holds a copy of all dissertations made by participants in all ITM master courses. These are listed in both printed lists and an electronic ITM Student Dissertations catalog. PDF surveys of ITM master dissertation collections are freely available from the quicklinks on the left side of this page. All ITM Student Dissertations records link to a full-text copy available online within the ITM Library (except for a few missing items).
Printed copies of ITM master dissertations can be obtained at the library counter for consultation, as these are not kept in the reading rooms, but in closed storage.
All course secretariats need to provide the library with digital – and preferably also printed – copies of the dissertations of recently finished Master courses as soon as possible. The library subsequently takes care of archiving and online acces within the ITM site of the full text items, and of open access availability of bibliographic surveys in lists and database.
Phd dissertations
PhD dissertations are processed as books in the library collection. As such they are included in the library books catalog and arranged by subject in the central reading room.
ITM promoters are obliged to provide the library with at least one printed copy of their candidate’s PhD dissertation. A digital copy that can be linked to the catalog record is highly recommended (but for the time being these are unfortunately quite rare).
In order for a PhD dissertation to be considered as an ITM staff publication, an ITM author affiliation should be clearly visible on the title page and preferably also on the cover. Promoters and candidates should take care of this when discussing the final layout with the university providing the doctorate. An ITM affiliation of the promoter only is not sufficient for uptake in the ITM Staff Publications database and departmental publication lists in the ITM Annual Report.