Book Loans & Orders
Lending & borrowing
ITM staff and students
ITM staff, students and research fellows may borrow specific library materials, but this is subject to restrictions: up to five books can be borrowed for a maximum period of four weeks, provided these books remain immediately available within the Institute. Please present the book together with your ITM badge at the library counter. For bound journal volumes this period is limited to one week. Unbound journal issues can be borrowed only with special permission from the librarian.
Remember: parts of the library collections are kept permanently in research departments. Where applicable, this is indicated in the ITG Book & Document Holdings catalog, which is part of the EDS Discovery Service.

Occasionally, books can be lent to other libraries (never individual persons), via the standard interlibrary lending procedures. This will be assessed for each request.
Buying & ordering
Library books
The large majority of books in the ITM Library collection are ordered on the librarian’s own initiative. The librarian actively follows the books market in order to keep a balanced – and sometimes exhaustive – selection of books on the major topics for ITM research, education, and medical services up-to-date (within the limits of the allocated books purchasing budget). Of course, suggestions for the acquisition of titles not yet available are always welcome.
Books for departments
The research departments can also order books for permanent keeping in their offices. Although these books are not kept in the library, they are nonetheless institutional property and they are processed like library books, included in the library catalogue. Orders should be sent to the librarian using the order form with the signed agreement of the specific budget administrator.
Books for courses
Upon request, the ITM Library will also process orders for multiple copies for distribution among students or alumni. A request form signed by the course administrator is needed. As these books will (eventually) not be retained in ITM, they will not be processed as library books.
Books for export
Idem as books for courses, using the request form signed by the specific project budget manager.
- If essential information is lacking from the request forms, orders may not be processed.
- The ITM Library does not have an electronic credit card, so online purchases cannot be effected via the library services.
The library does not sell or order any books for private use, either for staff, or for students.